Yes, it could be the end of the world as we know it 17

Our post of April 24, 2017, titled Civilization’s fulcrum moment (May 2, 2017) by Jillian Becker, was featured also in the online magazine The Participator, edited by our British associate Chauncey Tinker.

A commenter on that site, Steve60, wrote the following, with the main point of which – that Islam’s conquest of Europe will mean its total victory, because it will be followed by the conquest of the world – we entirely agree.

I have said something similar for a while, but called it an axial moment of world history. For in fact it’s even more serious than the author above depicts – if Islam wins in Europe, in the same century that it attains to nuclear weapons, then not only will the most precious gem of world culture be lost, but Islam will be in a position to dominate the world, the balance will have been shifted irrevocably in its favor. Africa will be the next to go, with Israel and Russia, then India and Australasia, leaving only (north) East Asia and the Americas, which will themselves be already far along the path by then. Europe falling to Islam will be the fatal defeat in the 1400 year struggle of civilizations, and the effective end of Western civilization, which is meaningless and impotent without Europe. And it is very close – many key cities are now approaching Muslim majorities in younger age cohorts especially, spreading before long to entire national demographic segments. We are already in an emergency stage – yet too many are still asleep.

The order in which the countries, powers and continents will fall after Europe cannot be predicted with certainty. But unless Islam is stopped now, while the West still has the political, military, technological and economic advantage of the enemy, “the fatal defeat in the 1400 year struggle of civilizations, and the effective end of Western civilization, which is meaningless and impotent without Europe” is certain. (Only we prefer to call this struggle one of civilization against barbarism rather than of two civilizations.)

France has nuclear weapons. It is to be expected that when it has an Islamic government, the scenario Steve60 outlines will begin.

Is it too much of an exaggeration to say that in two days from now – when France chooses a leader who will move to stop Islam’s advance in Europe or one who will accelerate it – the fate of the human race for a long time to come will be decided?

If Islam wins this war, the result will be the death of civilized humanity.

Posted under Europe, Islam, jihad, Muslims by Jillian Becker on Friday, May 5, 2017

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