Sweden dying cries for help 147

They asked for it. They begged for it. They strove for it. And they got it.

Now they are paying for it.

Our reaction? Schadenfreude is overwhelmed by sadness.

Sweden is just the first European country to cry out in its death throes. Wound in the coils of Islam, it is being squeezed to death.

The country’s top policemen despair and cry for help, we read in a report by Nicolai Sennels at Jihad Watch:

The number of lawless areas (commonly referred to as “no-go zones”) in Sweden now totals 61. That is up from 55 in just one year’s time. This increase includes not only the total number, but also the geographical size of these areas.

Sweden’s National Police Commissioner, Dan Eliasson, spoke on national television and pleaded for assistance: Help us, help us!,” he said, while warning that Swedish police forces no longer can uphold the law and therefore must ask all good powers in the country to support them.

A research expert regarding destabilized countries and 2011 recipient of Sweden’s Order of the Seraphim medal, Johan Patrik Engellau, has been working with organizations such as the UN and others that operate in crisis areas. He warns:

I’m afraid it is the end for the well-organized, decent and egalitarian Sweden we have known up to now. Personally, I would not be surprised if a form of civil war occurs. In some places, the civil war has probably already begun.

10News recently reported how the Swedish state has lost large areas to armed, religious groups best described as Islamist militias.

Police chief Lars Alversjø says that,

There is lawlessness in parts of Stockholm [Sweden’s capital] now. The legal system, which is a pillar in every democratic society, is collapsing in Sweden.

Per Magnus Ranstorp, a researcher into terrorism and radicalization at the Swedish National Defense College, notes: 

In the worst areas, extremists have taken over. The whole sense of justice and peace is threatened by the fact that the police are breaking down and it’s only getting worse. Sweden is in a disastrous situation.

The Swedish Security Service (Säkerhetspolisen – abbreviated as Säpo), recently warned that the country is crawling with “thousands of Islamists” sharing Islamic State’s ideology. In many places, public servants (i.e., non-Islamic authorities) require police escort or protection.

The word that Swedish authorities and media use for the country’s “no-go zones” is utenforskap. The word means something like “excluded area”. In these areas, Swedish law has been replaced with a mixture of the law of the jungle and the Islamic legal code, sharia. Armed Muslim gangs and Islamic radicals are simply carving out big pieces of Sweden for themselves.

The only reason why it has not evolved into large-scale armed conflicts — in this formerly peaceful and safe country — probably relates to how Sweden’s feminist-liberal government is not putting up any real resistance against the Islamists.

Even if the Swedish feminist government chose to fight back tomorrow, Sweden has nothing close to the paramilitary capacity needed to reverse this situation. That 80 percent of the country’s law enforcement officers are considering quitting their jobs is a clear sign of a police force that is completely demoralized. The military in this traditionally pacifist country is cut down to almost nothing, and there is no money to fix it.

As Johan Patrik Engellau puts it: 

The government does not seem to understand that it has lost control. There is a point where you can no longer stop a situation’s development. I do not know if Sweden has reached this point when it comes to [the consequences of] immigration, but I fear we are drawing close. If we right here and now take clear and powerful action – including stopping immigration and the political promotion of multiculturalism – we might with some difficulty be able to save Sweden.

The fact remains that Sweden’s political elite is nowhere near taking such decisive action, as it has not even started to openly speak out about these problems.

Therefore Sweden will very soon need help from abroad. Police chief Dan Eliasson’s prayer for help only included potential partners inside Sweden, but very soon the international community will have to intervene if a humanitarian catastrophe is to be avoided.


We may be able to suppress Schadenfreude because the tragedy of Europe’s suicide is so great, but we cannot suppress laughter at the suggestion that some imaginary “international community” will materialize to save it.

The UN,  with which the researcher Johan Patrik Engellau – he who announced “the end” of the Sweden-that-was –  “has been working”, insisted that Western countries take in vast numbers of Muslims from the Third World.

All west European governments have been importing swarms of Muslims as fanatically as the feminist government of Sweden.

Every European who has dared to utter a warning about the inevitable result of such monstrous folly – the result Sweden is now experiencing – has been prosecuted, and most of them have been silenced.

The reaction of European leaders to President Trump’s sensible decision to halt Muslim immigration into the United States was condemnation, anger, scorn, accusations of “racism”, “bigotry”, “xenophobia”, “Islamophobia”.  Will Europe start crying now for America’s help?

There is nothing that can be done to save Europe. There is nothing it can do to save itself. It is too late.

Unless, perhaps, there is civil war.