Conservative government is not possible 16

Published today (June 30, 2017) is this video in which Mark Steyn discusses, inter alia, big government; how America (unfortunately) is not and never has been imperialist; the pointlessness of the war in Aghanistan; and terrorism.

He explains why “once government gets to a certain size, you cannot have conservative government”.

He debunks the idea that terrorism will not change us (the West). Muslim terrorism has changed our lives both in obvious ways – eg. the millions of bollards that keep terrorists from driving vehicles on to city side-walks in order to mow down pedestrians – and in deeper more subtle ways: “brainwashing” us, making us “feeble and passive”. That is the greater harm. That is the existential threat.

He talks – as always wittily, wisely, and knowledgeably – about political facts and ideas up to the 20 minutes mark. After that he discusses music.

Posted under government, Islam, jihad, Muslims, Terrorism, Videos by Jillian Becker on Friday, June 30, 2017

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