Extreme racism 10

… is perfectly okay with the British government, police, security forces, churches, the majority of the electorate, academics and the media –  if it is expressed by Muslims.  

This is from Breitbart, by Jack Montgomery:

UK public broadcaster Channel 4 has featured a self-described Islamist who endorses violent militancy and brands white people and Israelis “parasites” as an example of “Muslim women fighting back by rejecting stereotypes”.

Nadia Chan, who has previously appeared on Iranian state television calling on Muslims to support “the armed resistance from the Islamic Jihad … and also Hamas” in Israel, and praised Palestinians using “everyday items to resist, whether it’s knives, cars … everyday items to strike the fear in the hearts of their oppressors”, was praised in a report by Channel 4 presenter Assed Baig.

“Stereotypes portray them as weak and meek,” he crooned. “But this group of Muslim women don’t accept that.”

“Like many people, they don’t feel like their voices are represented in the mainstream,” said Baig.

This is perhaps unsurprising, considering Chan told Baig point blank that, “I don’t wanna be represented in British society. I don’t think representation is a liberation.”

This is consistent with a public tweet to Rebel Media contributor Tommy Robinson on August 16th, in which she swore she would “gladly LEAVE this SHIT HOLE” as soon as “parasitic filth … pay up reparations for colonial loot”.

Chan does not only consider the White British population parasites. … [She has] declared: “I strongly advocate that the parasitic entity known as ‘Israel’ MUST cease to exist. Furthermore, every single Israeli is a parasite.” With respect to white people, Chan has left followers in no doubt that her hostility extends well beyond particular nationalities with the following quote:

“The only white man you can trust is a dead white man.” —  Robert Mugabe

Elsewhere, she writes: “[Muslims] clean themselves 5 times a day, unlike you dirty white cave parasites, muslims gave y’all soap remember”, and, “[Y]ou pasty pasty bland bitches have NO culture, no rich history, you ain’t shit, ur ancestors were cave ppl.”

She boasts that she has “a masters [degree] in law”, presumably from a British university. As to parasitism, it is more than likely that she has been the beneficiary if the generous hand-out that the British welfare state provides.

Mixed race critics have been dismissed [by Chan] with comments such as “[your] mum’s white ew lol” and “My condolences to you bitches with white mums, but keep any reference to PAKISTANIS out of your mf’ering mouth you SWINE!”

All of which delights Channel 4:

“These Muslim women are breaking convention, and they’re not only doing that inside the gym [where the Channel 4 segment was shot],” notes Baig.

“They’re organising their own political discussions, because mosques don’t have the space for them to do that.”

This should prove extremely worrying for the authorities, given Chan’s political views: “We need straight up militancy, they trying to kill us and they’re getting brave,” she has written. “These honkies will kill more unless they are stopped.”

“Should” according to some old outdated moral and legal precepts. Whether it should or not, it doesn’t worry them, it won’t worry them.

She has also denounced the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) as “made up of ex cops (pigs) … Pigs are pigs, time to get justice done ourselves” — just one anti-police tweet among many, some of which appear to call for violence.

With respect to international affairs, Chan supports the Castro dictatorship in Cuba, Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro, and even the North Korean regime, and wants to “bring about a rebellion … to uproot settler colonialism” in the United States.

The Metropolitan Police Force, Crown Prosecution Service, Channel 4, and broadcasting regulator Ofcom have yet to comment.




Posted under Britain, Islam, Israel, jihad, Muslims, Race, United Kingdom, United States, Videos by Jillian Becker on Saturday, September 2, 2017

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