Words that made our world 147

Ezra Levant talks about the huge contribution one man made to our culture, to the English language, to the whole human race. He is a dead white man – and the greatest writer who has ever lived.

There are plotters on the Left who would exclude him from school curricula in America now, cut him out, have nothing more to do with him. He is irrelevant, they say, to the lives of this and that group of people. But the plotters will not be able to do it. He has provided them with the language in which they think, and to a large extent what they think about. They can ignore his works. They can refuse to utter his name. But though they don’t know it, he lives inside their heads. As long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, or English is spoken, or people have thoughts and passions, so long lives he.

Posted under education by Jillian Becker on Saturday, September 16, 2017

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