The “Football Lads Alliance” march against Islamic terrorism in London 111

Yesterday thousands of people protested “against extremism” in the streets of central London.

The march was organized by John Meighan.

To say the past three weeks have been a whirlwind for 32-year-old John Meighan would be an understatement. The property manager and Tottenham Hotspur fan woke up after the London Bridge attack – just days after the Manchester bombing – and felt an overwhelming sense of emotion and helplessness.

From an interview with John Meighan by Shy Society (whose introduction to it is quoted above) –

John Meighan says:

The turning point for a lot of people was the Manchester bombing and the fact that children got killed. And then with the London Bridge attack coming so close after, as a Londoner I really felt strongly that something needed to be done,” the father-of-three explains. …

So the “extremism” spoken of is Islamic terrorism – not named.

The British government is doing nothing about it.

Thousands of people were waiting for a signal to do something. Wanting to express their feelings about the horror that has befallen the nation.

John Meighan gave the signal:

Initially the aim of the group was to get people onboard and to try and drum up some support. Then it’s grown to “let’s get thousands of people onboard” and then it went to “let’s get tens of thousands of people onboard” and grow it to a movement where we’re going to bring London to a bit of a standstill and disrupt day-to-day life. Not in a violent or aggressive way – in a manner that says “well we’re here, we need to be heard. There are a lot of people here so you need to take note. It’s costing you a lot of money to police this so you need to listen to people and act”.

We’ve gone with our instinct and with our own thing. We’ve said we didn’t want flags, chanting, drinking on the streets – the typical things that have probably hindered the groups that have run before because unfortunately it gives the Press a stick to beat you with. …

When we got to Cannon Street Station on Saturday and it’s almost on a bit of a slope and you could just see a sea of people – it was unbelievable – it was just all the way back. We were going past shops and building sites and people were just standing there in shock – I was in a bit of disbelief myself really that 1.) So many people turned up and 2.) That it all went exactly to plan. We laid down wreaths on London Bridge where the vigil is, had a minute silence for the victims which was really well respected and then had a minute of applause for the police to say thanks for how good they were. I’ve had some really good feedback from them since and that, considering the numbers, it went very well.

I’m feeling a lot of positive energy at the moment. The adrenaline is still pumping and I’ve had people who I don’t even know ringing me up and saying “thanks for doing this”. It has really captured people’s imagination – we’ve got 40,000 members on our private Facebook group and that has grown by 10,000 in the past 24-48 hours.

I’m a family man with a good job and of course you worry when you are thrust into the limelight like this. In terms of the organization itself my biggest fear is counter-groups – without a doubt. I’ve been in touch with some left-wing and far-right groups already to pretty much tell them ‘you’re not welcome, please stay away’ – so that’s one of our plans to actually interact with them proactively and be quite explicit. A bit like the whole no flags idea, it’s a bit different and off-cue – not what everybody is used to. If you get good press you’ve won half the battle and that’s what we’re looking to do.

We’ll be launching a new website fairly soon and although we are keeping the name for now, I might look at slightly rebranding the group as we expand to something like Football Lads Alliance in association with Football Family Alliance because I’m really keen to broaden this out and make it more appealing to everyone, not just the male population.

We probably need to create a mass movement here – of 50-100,000 people – and yes it might be a drain on police resources but we have to make the politicians sit up and listen now.

Moving forward I’ll be trying to get some big names onboard – we’ve already got SAS legend Phil Campion onboard and someone like the boxer Tony Bellew would be great too. I’ve had contact with Danish and Dutch Press and I think there’s a bit of interest in Europe as well – further down the line one of my ambitions is to bring together European football clubs and maybe march as one if possible. While it’s still a pipedream at the moment that would probably raise it more of a global problem because ultimately this is very much an issue in mainland Europe as well as in Britain. I think collectively the more people you get onboard the more of a voice you have.

Don’t be afraid to come – our motto is “no racism, no violence: together we’re stronger” so it doesn’t matter who you are or what walk of life you’re from, if you’re willing to walk with people who want change and want an end to extremist terrorism on our streets then please come.

We’ve got a date booked in for the 7th October and we think it’s going to be London again – a lot of people want us to go north but we feel we need to probably stamp our identity on London first before we go elsewhere.

The pro-Islam lying Left is planning a counter-demo. Its organizers are saying it will be “against racism”. The all-too-predictable lie is that these protestors are “racists”. The liars will also accuse them of being: “bigots, xenophobes, Islamophobes, colonialists, imperialists, and far-right white supremacists“.  Just as they do in America.


Posted under Britain, Islam, jihad, Muslims, United Kingdom by Jillian Becker on Sunday, October 8, 2017

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