Why the special relationship is under strain 96

President Trump has – we’re glad to say – offended the British political and media establishment, including the Prime Minister and the Archbishop of Canterbury. They all deserve to be offended.

They took offense at his retweeting certain videos – put out with pride by Muslims – showing Muslims carrying out violent acts. One of them was of a Muslim mob pushing a teenage boy off a roof and then, finding him still alive, beating him to death. Yes, of this they are proud!

It so happened that the videos had first been tweeted about by a British organization called Britain First – a name inspired by Donald Trump’s “America First ” slogan. In Britain it is de rigueur to revile Britain First, because, the revilers say, it is an offshoot from the British National Party (BNP) which was neo-Nazi; therefore, the reasoning goes, Britain First is “far right”. (Never mind that Nazism was a socialist movement, correctly describable as deriving from the Left – the Left long ago won that deception of nomenclature.) Actually, Britain First thinks of itself as being primarily Christian, and its opposition to Islam is at least partly on religious grounds.

But aside from all that, President Trump condemned the videos because of what they were, not because of who else condemned them.

He reacted to Theresa May’s indignant fury by tweeting: “Don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine!”

James Delingpole comments at Breitbart:

Now let me explain why, far from being a stupid, irresponsible, unpresidential move – as Britain’s chattering classes would have us believe – Trump’s tweets were in fact tactically astute. …

First, let’s just establish what he was NOT doing:

Winning the hearts and minds of radical Muslims; making liberals love and respect him more; getting nice coverage in the Guardian and the New York Times; persuading Never Trumpers that they might have misjudged him; winning over Theresa May and the rest of the faux-Conservative political class.

No. Trump doesn’t give a damn for any of these people. (And who can blame him?)

Instead he was sending a message to the people he cares about: all those ordinary people out there, not just in the U.S. but in Europe and beyond, who are shocked, appalled, scared by the way their countries are slowly (or quite quickly in the case of some countries, Sweden, for example) surrendering to Islam; who feel betrayed by the pusillanimity of their political leaders and let down by the failure of most of their media to report on the rapes and the sexual grooming and the violence being committed disproportionately by Muslims, both immigrants and home-grown radicals; who feel unable to speak – except in embarrassed whispers – about their fears about being stabbed or machine-gunned or blown up or mown down by yet another jihadist simply for the crime of going about their daily, Western life; who bitterly resent being tarred as Islamophobic or xenophobic or uncaring when all they want is to be allowed to live their life in peace in a country whose traditions, laws and cultural values remain the ones they grew up with and which make their homeland worth living in.

These are the people Trump was reaching out to with those tweets.

As for the rest – all those politicians and media types and cry bully activist groups – they just fell into Trump’s trap.

Trump wanted them to react in the way they did. ..

That boy on the roof – Hamada Badr, his name was, and he was 19 years old – really was pushed off and beaten to death by an Islamist mob, one carrying the black Al Qaeda flag …

So what, exactly, was Trump doing wrong by tweeting videos drawing attention to these issues?

None of his detractors has successfully answered this question.

That is because they do not have an answer.

Some of us here in Britain – many if not most of us, I suspect – are continually pinching ourselves in disbelief at what our country has become in so short a space. It seems only yesterday that we used to be able to walk over Westminster Bridge or go shopping round Borough Market or go to a pop concert without for one second having to worry about the possibility of being murdered by Islamic terrorists; that boys and girls in headscarves were never segregated in inner city schools and taught to despise Jews and other kuffar; that the correct response to mass rape was mass arrest not mass cover ups; that Britain believed in equality before the law not in separate Sharia courts for certain communities; that a supermarket worker who told his boss “I can’t serve alcohol to customers” would be told in no uncertain terms either to do his job or move on elsewhere 

The story is the same across continental Europe, from Austria to Sweden to Germany to France and the beaches of Greece, Italy and southern Spain.

But has our political class responded to our concerns about this menace to our values, our cultural cohesion and our safety?

On the contrary. It has either ignored the problem altogether. Or doubled down on it, as Angela Merkel did in 2015 when she decided to enrich her country, whether it liked it or not, with another million or so Muslim “refugees”. Or – as in the case of all this confected outrage about Britain First (a tiny organization about which few people either know or care) – they go: “Look, a squirrel!”, in the hope that people will politely join them in pretending that there isn’t a problem, thus relieving themselves of the burden of having to deal with it.

The U.S. was nearly as bad, of course, till Trump came along and said: “Enough is enough.” Which, of course, is one of the main reasons he is now president. He understood, as so many of our chatterati still do not, that there is a yawning gulf between where our political class are on the subject of immigration and Islam, and where the man and woman in the street are.

Trump sticks out like a sore thumb at the moment … because he is the only truth teller in a world of lies.

As a result of these events, the Special Relationship is under strain, and President Trump has cancelled a planned working visit to the United Kingdom to open the new US embassy in London.

Good decision, Mr. President!

It is foolish of Theresa May to pick a quarrel with President Trump, when Brexit Britain badly needs the best trade deals  it can get with the United States.

But what else should be expected of her? She is plainly a foolish woman when she constantly says that that the Muslim terrorist attacks plaguing her country “have nothing to do with Islam”, and at the same time has the forces of law and order hunt down and punish those who denounce the horrors on the grounds that any such criticism is offensive to Muslims.

Posted under Islam, jihad, Muslims, United Kingdom, United States by Jillian Becker on Sunday, December 3, 2017

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