The amazing story of the Awan gang 48

and how they are getting away with their crimes, helped by traitorous House Democrats led by the unconscionable Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and ignored by the Department of Justice.

On April 3, 2018, we posted the story: House Democrats put complete trust in a gang of Pakistani crooks.

We ended with this  –

To sum up: These Pakistani crooks were engaged by Democratic members of Congress, without any enquiry into their background, to “look after” their computers which contained highly confidential information concerned with the protection of Americans. The Democrats never apparently considered the possibility that their data was being stolen and sent to Pakistani authorities. When their hardware was stolen by the crooks – and they knew it was the Awan gang who had stolen it – they did not go to the police. When the FBI did finally arrest Imran Awan on charges of fraud in a car-dealership – and denied that the gang “had any connection with a foreign government” – Imran Awan continued to be on the payroll of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

The Democrats were putty in the hands of the foreign criminal gang. Helpless as babies. They feared to offend them by reporting them to the police or firing them.

Yet these people, for whom large numbers of Americans voted to represent them in the federal government, want, yearn, ache to rule the country. To conduct US relations with foreign powers. To be in charge of the world’s mightiest military force …

Now (June 7, 2018) Creeping Sharia deplores the inaction of the DOJ:

What the Democrats did here was treason. …

The DOJ under Jeff Sessions is covering up a scandal. … It is in[Attorney General] Jeff Sessions’s power to … charge the Pakistanis with hacking Congress and exposing Democrats’ hypocrisy and negligence. He has a list of witnesses and his FBI is refusing to interview them… They have all the goods. It’s in the server logs. This case is open-and-shut. And Jeff Sessions is refusing to bring the charges.

The question is, why?

Whatever his reasons, Jeff Sessions is failing President Trump and the nation.

Posted under Crime, Pakistan, Treason, United States by Jillian Becker on Monday, June 11, 2018

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