The unending persecution of Tommy Robinson 181

The website supports the Free Tommy movement, Brexit, and President Trump.

Today (July 1, 2018) it breaks the silence Theresa May’s tyrannical government is trying to impose on news of Tommy Robinson’s treatment in prison by reporting this:

Letters sent by jailed right-wing activist, Tommy Robinson, are not being sent to his wife.

HMP Onley, the prison that Tommy is in, has refused to post his letters to his wife and children over fears that they may be shared online. 

Tommy is locked up 23 hours a day, he’s allowed a shower and one phone call to his wife at 1-1.30pm, but at that time his little kids are at school – so he can’t speak to them and the prison won’t post his letters.   

He’s being treated worse than a terrorist.

He was arrested for “disturbing the peace” –  which he wasn’t doing. He was sentenced to 13 months in prison for “contempt of court” – of which he was innocent.

He is actually being punished for drawing attention to the sex-enslavement of hundreds of underage girls by Muslim gangs, and generally to the Islamification of his country.

His letters are being intercepted and retained by the prison authorities because the one his wife received – and made public – revealed what his life was like in solitary confinement. (See it here.)

The excuse for locking him up alone for 23 hours a day may be that he is being protected from physical harm – even murder – by members of the large Muslim population of the prison (far from his home) that he’s been sent to. (Deliberately sent to because of its large Muslim population?) The likelihood of such an attack prompted Lord Pearson – the only member of Parliament who has raised his voice in support of Tommy – to warn the (Muslim) Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, that if any such harm came to Tommy while serving his sentence, he, Lord Pearson, would hold the Secretary personally responsible and make him answer for it in court.

The next event to protest the jailing and treatment of Tommy will be held in Whitehall, London, on Saturday, 14th July.

Posted under Britain, Islam, jihad, Muslims, tyranny, United Kingdom by Jillian Becker on Sunday, July 1, 2018

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