Only joking that they want a race war? 131

Or “only joking” lest they get a race war?

An extreme racist and sexist by the name of Sarah Jeong has been hired by the New York Times to flavor its opinion columns with disgust and loathing for white people and men – so above all of course for white men. And old white men are the worst of the worst, deserving only cruelty. (See examples of her tweets here.)

But all in a good humored way, you see?

She says she was “only joking”. So she is excused by the Left because the Left thinks what she says is really funny, and if the Right can’t share the joke and laugh it off, it’s because the Right just doesn’t have a sophisticated nuanced sense of humor.

Sultan Knish writes:

What part of the “social justice left” or “left” is really producing Sarah Jeongs?

To answer that question we have to talk about what no one really talks about, the alt-left. Unlike the alt-right, a subject of numerous essays, news reports and investigative pieces, the internet culture of racism, misandry and heterophobia that is the millennial alt-left is mostly undocumented.

The alt-left’s norms of discourse are defined by the same harsh contempt and winking racism that appear in Sarah Jeong’s tweets. It’s an internet culture where “white people” is an inherently derogatory term and new slurs, such as “caucasity”, are coined. Ironic racism is defined as “resistance” to whiteness. And what better way to resist whiteness than with racial slurs aimed at white people?

Sarah Jeong’s hateful tweets  … [are] variations on the typical memes and jokes on the alt-left. When we talk about Jeong’s racism, we’re really talking about the bigotry of an intersectional movement that is obsessed with punitively destroying the “privilege” of white people and other majority groups with racist memes, taunts and harassment.

The alt-left preceded the alt-right. The features of the alt-right that the media has attacked are mirror images of its origins counter-trolling the alt-left. When Sarah Jeong’s critics and defenders claim that she was “counter-trolling”, they hilariously get the origin of the internet culture species completely wrong.

Long before the alt-right (at least in internet years), the alt-left was weaponizing racist memes (“white tears” was a popular one) and harassing targets with online mobs (today’s social justice mobs are alt-left online harassment coordinated with alt-lefties in the media). The current trend of media stories that dox targets on the right almost all tend to come from media millennials aligned with the alt-left.

This isn’t the first time that the alt-left’s ironic racism has gotten its members in trouble. There was plenty of outrage when Drexel University’s George Ciccariello-Maher had tweeted, “All I want for Christmas is white genocide”. Just like Jeong, the defense was that Maher was just kidding.

The claims by Vox lefties that Sarah Jeong and the “social justice left” are being ironic in their racist remarks about white people, is not a defense, it’s an indictment. Ironic racism was prevalent on the alt-left before it was mirrored by the alt-right. It’s also a misuse of the term. Non-ironic irony is typical of millennial internet culture that uses humor as a distancing mechanism to normalize repellent views.

That’s not ironic. It’s cowardly and disingenuous. 

The “ironic” alt-left humor of Sarah Jeong uses absurdity and winks to convey actual hatred for white people. …

When we talk about the alt-left, it’s often in terms of antifa …  [But] most of the alt-left, like the rest of the left, is white. Its racism isn’t the outcry of an oppressed minority, as the pro-Jeong pieces have contended, but of an ideological bigotry.

So the New York Times whose publisher, A. G. Sulzberger, is white and male, and whose executive editor, Dean Baquet, is male, employs a racist and sexist to attack Whites and men.

It’s still the same old story. Middle class Utopians pouring scorn on the middle class. That is the nature of the Left since the days of Karl Marx. White “anti-racists” pouring scorn on Whites. That has been the nature of the New Left since 1968.

The only idea the self-haters on the Left now embrace that does not come from their own class and race, is Islam.

And there are no jokes in Islam.

And it has nothing to do with class or race.

And it subjugates women.

The unfunny war is less likely to be over race than ideology. 

It will be – it is – jihad. 

Posted under Race by Jillian Becker on Thursday, August 16, 2018

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