Accessory after the fact 30

For two days we have been trying at intervals to post on our FaceBook page this abstract of an article we link to.

As soon as we click on “Publish”, a notice comes up that reads: “Error performing query”.

No person could monitor the paragraph in half a second, so FaceBook must have an algorithm that anticipates such a combination of words and bars it out – which confirms that FaceBook hopes to suppress certain facts it would rather were not true.

The facts in this case, are these:

The bias at the top of the FBI has been exposed once again — and again it is all tied to Hillary Clinton. The former FBI General Counsel James Baker, a top lawyer involved in the investigation into Hillary’s email servers, believed that criminal charges should have been filed against her during the 2016 presidential campaign. It turns out that Comey was making the decisions himself, overruling his subordinates. He also bypassed the Department of Justice (DOJ) on his way to making the July 5, 2016 announcement that Hillary wouldn’t be charged. That decision was heavily criticized by the inspector general of the DOJ. Baker’s testimony to the House of Representatives was not releasedto the public until now. It shows that numerous FBI agents and lawyers argued that Hillary should be criminally charged — only to be overruled by Comey. He alone, not FBI investigators working for him, is the reason why Hillary was not locked up.

This could be interpreted as FaceBook’s condoning James Comey’s and Hillary Clinton’s criminal offenses and protecting the offenders, which would mean that it is an accessory to them.

Posted under media, United States by Jillian Becker on Friday, February 22, 2019

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