The man who thinks he knows what he is talking about 195

Joe Biden is at present the frontrunner among the innumerable Democrats who have declared themselves willing and eager to be elected to the presidency in 2020.

Yesterday (May 6, 2019) The Hill reported that Biden has a 32 point lead over his nearest rival for the Party’s nomination, the Communist candidate Bernie Sanders.

What are Biden’s qualities? Is he well-informed? Is he a thinker? Has he expressed original and inspiring ideas?

This video clip provides a vivid glimpse into his mind:

Ah! The truth’s revealed. He’s a scatterbrain. Out of his mouth streams an incoherent jumble of confused ideas, non-facts, and crackpot nonsense. 

One needs to listen to him for no more than a minute to know this. 

Is it the very reason why he’s the current favorite among Democrats?    

If it isn’t the reason, what is?

Posted under United States, Videos by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, May 7, 2019

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