Again we are censored and silenced 112

Our Facebook page has again been suspended.

This time for 7 days.

Here’s the notice:

You can’t post or comment for 7 days

This is because you previously posted something that didn’t follow our Community Standards.

This post goes against our standards on hate speech, so only people who manage The Atheist Conservative can see it.

The Atheist Conservative
Yesterday at 8:21 AM

Anjuli Pandavar writes cogently and incisively: ‘I am an atheist. I think religion erodes our innate sense of ethics, and that faith can diminish our humanity. But I also accept that belief is a central component of the way many people’s heads work. The problem before us right now is Islam and I do not care if someone leaves Islam to become a Bible-basher or a Hari-Krishna chanter or an atheist. All I care about right now is that as many Muslims as possible leave Islam, that we support the victims of Islam, wherever they are in the world, and that we roll back jihad, by whatever means necessary. Muslims are already raping our daughters and we are already complicit in their deeds. The situation is dire. We are helpless in face of the jihad onslaught because we have abandoned ourselves. …


The entire post is quoted.

This in America! In defiance of the Second Amendment.

And yes, we do hate. We hate enslavement, torture, murder. So we hate the appalling doctrines of Islam that not only allow but command enslavement, torture and murder.   

And for that, Facebook hates us.

Of all ideas, those of religions most need to be critically examined, since they claim to be the truth and people’s lives are made to depend on their conforming to them.


This is what Facebook has done to Paul Joseph Watson:

Posted under Miscellaneous by Jillian Becker on Wednesday, July 10, 2019

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