Britain condemns an heroic truth-teller to prison 311

… and possible violent death.

We received the report from Ezra Levant of The Rebel:

Tommy Robinson has been sent back to prison — for the second time, for the same “crime” of live-streaming his political commentary outside the trial of a rape gang in Leeds in 2018.

That political broadcast was deemed “contempt of court” even though it did not disrupt the trial, which successfully convicted the rapists.

Dame Victoria Sharp sentenced Tommy to six months in prison. She also activated a previous suspended sentence against him, by a court in Canterbury back in 2017.

That was nine months imprisonment in all.

By law, Tommy’s sentence will be reduced to take into account the time already served. In the end, the judge calculated, he’ll be sent to jail for 19 weeks, and let out half-way.

Two months, then. If they will be like the months he served for the same non-crime last time, he will be beaten and terrorized.

He often had feces mixed into his food so he had to skip meals and lost weight drastically the last time he was sent to a Muslim-majority prison for doing nothing but telling the truth about Muslim rape gangs. The prison guards were on the side of his persecutors – the Muslims inside the prison and the government outside.

This time, it is reported, he will be sent to Belmarsh prison. In 2016, a former Muslim inmate of Belmarsh said, “There were so many would-be jihadists in there I felt like an intruder at a jihadi training camp. Terrorists were very popular, had enormous influence, and were treated like celebrities by the other inmates. Non-Muslims accused of insulting Islam were at risk of having their cells broken into and being subject to serious assaults. I watched how prison officers took no action, leaving new inmates like myself with the impression that the real people in charge were not the warders but a terrifying group of radical Islamists known as ‘the Brothers’ or ‘the Akhi’, which is Arabic for brothers.”

Tommy says: “Genuinely, hand on heart, I believe I’ll be killed in this prison sentence. I was imprisoned for over 2.5 months in solitary confinement, held against my categorisation, moved to the highest Muslim population Category C prison, subjected to mental torture and constant threats and abuse and had all of my rights removed in the interest of ‘prison safety’.”

He  believes his treatment by the courts and the state is political persecution.

It is.

He has appealed to President Trump to grant him political asylum in the US. We hope he will be granted it.

The judge, Dame Victoria Sharp, was sworn in last month as president of the Queen’s Bench Division. She is the first female to occupy the position. (The Western World is becoming one big gynocracy, much to its detriment.)

Dame Victoria Sharp, smugly smirking

Judge Victoria Sharp solemnly declared: “We are in no doubt a custodial threshold is passed in this case. Nothing less than a custodial penalty would reflect the gravity of the conduct.”

The gravity of reporting what was happening outside a court where rapists  of underage girls were on trial!

No other reporters who were there doing the same thing were charged. Tommy was arrested and summarily sentenced to prison, then released by the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales on appeal. But the lust of the establishment to punish Tommy for telling the truth about the Muslim rapists (who were allowed to be active for years) was not appeased. The police arrested him again on the same trumped-up charge and he has been tried again and sent back to prison – a  maximum security prison, where the most dangerous violent prisoners are sent.

Which is why it is full of Muslims – some of whom sometimes actually do get tried and punished for their hideous crimes in Dame Victoria Sharp’s Britain.

But on the whole, most judges, the police, members of parliament, the governing “Conservative Party”, and the media are much happier when Tommy Robinson is imprisoned and tortured for telling the truth they don’t want to hear.

Tommy Robinson after being sentenced to prison again

Posted under Britain, Law, Muslims, tyranny by Jillian Becker on Saturday, July 13, 2019

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