Last gasp of the Democrats 223

Joe Biden’s minders will have to put that old horse of theirs out to pasture soon. Leave him grazing in peace for the – probably quite short – remainder of his days.

How daft are the Democrats, how bereft of even the merest trace of common sense, to put up such a candidate for the presidency of the United States – and actually believe that he will win? And then to saddle him with a running-mate as lacking in any kind of appeal as Kah-meh-lah/Kam-a-la Harris, who has heaps of whatever is the opposite of charisma?

But then – who have they got that they could offer the voters? Look round their little assembly of leaders and see how few they are, and how unattractive: Pelosi – childishly petty, vain, mean. Schumer, a dramatizing but uninteresting bore. Schiff, one of the nastiest men on earth. And perhaps a dozen dim characters standing back there in the shadows.

What ideas do they have? Only the ludicrous fantasies that the Third-World representatives known collectively as “The Squad” give them. No cars, no planes. A train to the islands of Hawaii. A rebuilding of all the public buildings throughout the land to make them somehow eliminate the carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere. Free housing, free higher education, free health care (with slave doctors, nurses and paramedics?), and a nice comfy income for everybody (derived from where?).

What policies do they have? Open borders – so no point in making laws because there’ll be no defined limit within which the government’s writ will run. The US will be a park, a corridor, a souk where everything is free of charge. Let China come and take possession of whatever it wants. Let Iran and North Korea drop bombs on any part they can reach. Let Muslims crush their wives and murder their daughters. To criticize would be racist.

What else is on their agenda? Letting men dressed as women compete against “people who bleed” (latest euphemism for real women) so they can win all the prizes.

Having no flag, no national anthem.

Schools must teach whites to be ashamed of being whites. Nothing else.

The very notion of crime (except racism) must be abandoned and forgotten. No one (except the leaders) may have private property. No private one-family houses. No families.

Hands up those who plan to vote for all this. Let us count your number.

Posted under Comedy by Jillian Becker on Sunday, November 1, 2020

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