Republican treachery 226

Many Republicans in elected office are, it appears, as eager to keep President Trump from being elected for a second term, and as ready to use foul means, as the Democrats are.

Gavin Wax writes at American Greatness:

Republican Party officials in battleground states have emerged as the enforcer class for the vote steal.

Georgia has become the standard bearer in this regard, with Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger dropping the ball in ways that seem to go beyond mere incompetence. Raffensperger is now reveling in an audio leak [to the Washington Post] of a private conversation between Trump and himself … . He is now an open collaborator with the enemy, working to thwart Republican victory by publicly attacking GOP Senate candidates.

Kemp and Raffensperger are not outliers. There have been Republican public officials in other battleground states who seem to be celebrating the most heinous political crime in U.S. history..

“Have been”? “Seem”? They are doing just that.

“The most heinous political crime in U.S. history”? The “vote steal”.

Elections have been won fruadulently before. But never before by America-haters intent on destroying the Republic as constituted by the founders of the union.

In Arizona, Governor Doug Ducey made it a point to certify the state’s vote count as hearings were being conducted [while] whistleblowers were offering crucial first-hand testimony of abnormalities that put the vote into question. [He] even ignored a phone call from President Trump, demonstrating his contempt. …

It’s the same story in Michigan.

… where “tens of thousands of ballots” appeared “in the dead of night”, and Dominion counting-machines switched votes from Trump to Biden.

Republican State House Speaker Lee Chatfield has repeatedly stated that the legislature will do nothing to overturn the fraud, even working to deny legislators [entrance to] the Capitol to deliver a slate of pro-Trump electors.

And Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey declared that nothing was wrong with the Dominion machines after a forensic report indicated major systemic faults with the software.

And it was a top GOP attorney who cast the deciding vote to certify the electoral results in the state.

To whom can loyal and law-abiding Americans turn for help in this storm of disorder, deceit, and injustice?

We are living through the total institutional collapse of the West at this very moment. People are scared, they’re desperately looking for answers, and they know for certain that they cannot get them from the mainstream institutions that have failed them so miserably. …

Many – perhaps most – Republicans in Congress, it appears, also wanted to see the fall of this president, who is to us and tens of millions of others one of the greatest ever.

So we understand why the writer concludes –

A brutal Republican intramural civil war looks to be inevitable at this point.

What is needed is a strong populist Republican Party that is true to the vision of Donald Trump. Which means one that puts America first, wants it to be great, prosperous, and above all free. And if the only way such a party can come into being is through a “brutal intramural civil war”, the sooner it begins the better.

Or has it already begun?