Hate in haste 27

The Democrats are cross that time is running out for them to destroy President Trump as president. They want hurriedly to impeach him. Or knock him out of the White House by invoking the 25th. Amendment, on the grounds that he is “unhinged” and “unstable”.

Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat Speaker of the House, even tried to launch a military coup.

It is ridiculous. In a few days her Social Democrat Party will have total power over the legislature and the executive.

And it is treason, even though not as defined in US law.

President Trump is not only firmly hinged, he is astonishingly stable. For four years the  Democrats tried to knock him over and he remained standing steady, continuing to make America more prosperous and strong. Pelosi –  mean, petty, childish, vicious, unstable – cannot let her personal hatred of Donald Trump go. She wants to scratch his eyes out and kick and kick him while she screams and screams. Indulging in a sustained second-childhood temper tantrum.

The Western Journal reports:

Despite a campaign by Democrats and the establishment media to delegitimize President Donald Trump … Department of Defense officials … continue to recognize him as the commander in chief …

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to limit [disallow] the president’s access to the country’s “nuclear football”, which contains launch codes for America’s vast arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Pelosi called Milley to ask him to ignore orders from Trump to use those codes. … No specific threat from Trump seems to exist, suggesting the call was made for political purposes.

A disingenuous comment. For what other purposes could it be?

[Pelosi] told Milley she wants to limit [prevent] the president from responding to international threats during the final days of his term.

Pelosi told her Democratic colleagues she spoke to Milley about “available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike”.

So some of them also “put pressure on Milley” to mutiny.

But he and the other Chiefs of Staff said no.

They cannot remove the president from [the top of] the chain of command. That would amount to a military coup.

And so, for a few days yet –

Trump remains the only person in government with the capacity to directly order military action and who has the discretion to use the country’s nuclear arsenal. Any attempt to deny him the tools to carry out his duties presiding over national security would be unlawful … .

Pelosi and her unhinged, unstable gang simply cannot bear it!

They are likely to go on trying to do harm to Donald Trump even after he has gone back to private life. But it won’t be as satisfying to them as it would be to make his presidency  disreputable, a mistake to be cancelled, its page in history torn right out, crumpled up and thrown away.

They are nasty people. Very dangerous for America.

Posted under Treason, United States, US Constitution by Jillian Becker on Sunday, January 10, 2021

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