Thinking skin 230

Racism is now the paramount principle of Leftist ideology.

The Left insists that it is even more necessary to be racist – that is, to abominate, despise, persecute, humiliate, torment and destroy white people – than to save the planet from burning up by not eating meat, or to force everyone to destroy their natural reproductive organs and substitute prosthetic imitations of the opposite sex’s genitalia.

While babies are still in the womb – not yet even human enough to be protected from idealistic murder by having its limbs torn off and its inner organs extracted – Biden Record Players must be played continuously through the night, close to the sleeping mother, to message the fetus that if it is white, it is guilty of being a slave owner, an oppressor, unfairly privileged and deserving of utter contempt and severe punishment, and if it is not white, it is a victim of enslavement and oppression by the privileged white race.

If the thing is allowed to be born, and even allowed to survive long enough to become a toddler, the message about it’s color must start being reinforced at toddling stage. Getting it to understand that it is either guilty or wronged, that its proper self-assessment with which it is to go through life is either one of shame and penance or righteous resentment and vengefulness, according to its color, cannot start too early.

Your skin, comrade, is your character. From it issues your thoughts, your abilities. Contrary to the unscientific suppositions of past ages (before November 3, 2020) it is scientifically accurate (because thousands of scientists say so) to believe that it is the organ with which you think. It directs your actions. It qualifies you, or not, to have society’s esteem and access to higher education, specialist medical treatment, a good job, safe housing, banking services, travel, and burial.

All that matters about you is the color of your skin. Skin color is the measure of all worth, the desideratum of morality. White is bad; not-white is good.

That is the Eternal Message of the Skin.

By the time a child starts school, it is ready to learn difficult concepts like “multiracial whiteness“; that police officers are evil even if they are not white; that everything – institutions, corporations, industries, government – must be run by people whose skin is not white (and preferably whose genitals are prosthetic, but that is secondary to skin color).

Katherine Kersten writes at the Center for the American Experiment:

In the name of ending white supremacy and systemic racism, school districts are indoctrinating students with a new radical vision of American society.

In fall 2020, a fourth-grade class in Burnsville read a book that warns students that police are “mean” to black people, but “nice” to white people. “Cops stick up for each other,” it says. “And they don’t like black men.”

At Eagan High School, a 9th-grade class began the 2020-21 school year by watching a YouTube video entitled Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man. In the words of one parent who saw the video and the leading questions students had to answer: “It was white guilt, all the way down.”

In Hopkins, Superintendent Rhoda Mhiripiri-Reed told returning faculty and staff that “to eradicate a pandemic of racial injustice, we need to examine the role that whiteness plays in our macrosystem of white supremacy”.

Hopkins school officials vowed to restructure student learning around the “13 characteristics of white supremacy“.  These include requiring black students to turn in assignments on time, along with any expectations that smack of “perfectionism” or “objectivity” (thinking in a logical or “linear” fashion). Hopkins junior highs have dropped traditional letter grades for a new assessment system since letter grades are linked to “dominant white culture” and thus inequitable, a school staff member told Minnesota Public Radio.

As the 2020-21 school year got underway, abrasive, in-your-face “demands” and name-calling were becoming the norm at school board meetings and on parent websites. In June 2020 in Minnetonka, for example, students and alumni styling themselves the Minnetonka Coalition for Equitable Education issues “11 Anti-Racism Imperatives”, demanding – among other things – that the district adopt “an anti-oppressive curriculum (that is, a curriculum that is not Euro-centric)“.

Students who object to this new racialist ideology hesitate to speak up, fearing they will be denounced as bigots.

They will be so denounced anyway. It is orthodox doctrine that all whites are bigots.

Teachers worry that refusal to give in to groupthink could cost them their job. In District 197 (West St. Paul-Eagan- Mendota Heights), Superintendent Peter Olson-Skog made the threat explicit: “If you think we’re being too sensitive, too politically correct,” he said in a speech to staff, “I would encourage you to look elsewhere for employment as I do not believe you will feel aligned with difficult and uncomfortable work ahead.”

Today, a revolution of sorts is underway in many Minnesota schools. In the name of ending white supremacy and systemic racism, school districts are falling over themselves to promote a radical new vision of American society.

The upside-down thought world of “racial equity” advances in the name of justice and harmony.

Yet its fundamental premise is deeply divisive: It teaches that life is a relentless power struggle, and splits human beings into two hostile camps (white and non-white), labeling whites as perpetual oppressors and BIPOC (“Black, Indigenous and People of Color”) as perpetual victims.

Education Minnesota, the state teachers’ union, is aggressively pushing this ideology. Teaching While White (TWW), an equity organization the union endorses, puts the zero-sum claim this way: “As I [a white person] am elevated, someone else is marginalized or oppressed.”

Which is equivalent to the popular Leftist view that one can only become rich by making others poor.

Racial equity instruction conditions white children to question their ability to grasp reality It warns they can take no pride in their accomplishments because these are merely a function of “white privilege”. It insists they routinely harm their non-white classmates by committing micro-aggressions of which they aren’t even aware. It’s a no-win situation: If they think they aren’t racist, this just proves how racist they are. The message is that white skin is a source of self-deception, guilt and shame.

Indoctrination often starts with the youngest, most vulnerable students. For example, in the Melanin Project, which Edina Highlands Elementary School has used in K-2 classrooms, students trace their hands and color them to reflect their skin tone for a classroom poster that reads, “Stop thinking your skin color is better than anyone else’s.”

The idea that people’s skin color doesn’t matter is [according to the indoctrinators] actually “whiteness-at-work”, a “socialization strategy that perpetuates a racist status quo”.

A reminder there of the orthodox doctrine that racism is only wrong when whites judge people according to their race. When not-whites do it, as we said, it is the paramount principle of the ideology of the Left, now forcibly taught by both whites and not-whites. 

Older students are subjected to more sophisticated propaganda, such as an eight-week course on Critical Theory and “privilege” at Apple Valley’s Eastview High School, or videos on Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man at Eagan High School.

Black children, too, have it drummed into their heads that they lack self-awareness and agency. As victims of “white supremacy” they are told they bear no responsibility for their behavior … They are constantly urged to feel anger and resentment.

Teachers are inundated with the same debilitating propaganda in their school-sponsored racial equity training. Teaching While White is typical, insisting that teachers are hapless victims of false consciousness. “Schools are full of people who without intending to create racial hurdles or hostility, manage to create a fair amount of both,” admonishes a TWW text entitled Being an Ally: The Role of White Educators in Multicultural Education. Clueless white teachers “cannot see what they have done”, it says.

The goal of manipulation like this is to convince students and teachers they must turn for guidance to their enlightened betters – activists who alone can see reality and understand justice – if they are to atone for guilt (whites) or avoid being dupes (blacks).

Leftist ideologues “introduce an alternate system of reality, and restrict access to ideas that challenge it”. The Marxist BLM movement is working to bring this about:

[For K-5 students} the Black Lives Matter at School coalition offers Activism, Organizing and Resistance lessons, which define activism as including “participating in (or leading of) demonstrations, protests or passive resistance”. Projects include … Role-playing a Teachers’ Strike.

For older students, there’s Social Justice Mathematics, which uses “numbers and maps to look at the impacts of housing discrimination, low minimum wage, and the school to prison pipeline”. Students can also study the Black Panthers’ revolutionary socialist ideology and create their own personal versions of the Panthers’ radical Ten-Point Program. That program included demands that black defendants be tried by all-black juries and that “American black colonial subjects” [?] vote in a “United Nations-supervised plebiscite” to determine their “national destiny”.

All this is happening now in America’s public schools:

Today, the agenda of racial identity politics is advancing almost unopposed in our public schools, as cowed school officials bow to activist and union pressure. …

The agenda was proposed by Saul Alinsky, teacher of “community organizing” (aka communist agitating), who influenced Hillary Clinton directly and Barack Obama indirectly.

Saul Alinsky, author of the 1971 Rules for Radicals, pioneered the use of identity politics as a divide-and-conquer strategy. An organizer making a power bid, “must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent and rub raw the resentments of the people“, Alinsky wrote. “Your function [is] to agitate to the point of conflict.”

With both the presidency and the legislature fallen into the hands of the Left since January 2021, the implementation of the agenda will be accelerated and ever more firmly established.

Whites! Learn to think with your skin.

Hear it cry out for abasement. Hear it say: “Remember the doctrine of the Eternal Message: white is bad, not-white is good.”

Capitulate. Burn your culture – it is worse than worthless.

Kneel in its charred remains and throw its ashes over your heads. Your day is done. Your civilization is over.