Getting ready to surrender 78

… to China.

The “Biden-Harris Administration” (as it now wants to be called) is doing so by weakening the military, redefining the armed forces’ aim as NOT  to defeat enemies in war, and packing them with women – including pregnant women – and transgendered women-men.

So while the “Biden-Harris Administration” is deliberately destroying America step by step, the process of destruction may be speeded up – by China.

Lloyd Billingsley writes at Front Page:

(Former Defense Secretary] Robert Gates explained in DutyMemoirs of a Secretary at War, under Obama, commanders who told troops their goal was to defeat their enemies were viewed as insubordinate.

Biden is on record that the Chinese Communists are “not bad folks”, and “not competition for us”.  And according to recent testimony from Admiral Philip Davidson, head of Indo-Pacific command, China appears to be planning for war.

Like Obama and others of his Democrat handlers, Joe Biden appears convinced that the United States is nothing more than a bastion of racism and white supremacy. By implication, the nation is not worth defending.

In a military confrontation with China, Americans have grounds to believe, Joe Biden’s first choice would be to fold.

Posted under China, United States, War by Jillian Becker on Friday, March 26, 2021

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