Government by violent force 129

… is what we have now.

Paul Gottfried writes at American Greatness:

[The Democrats’] actions will likely accelerate the violence they have already unleashed.

Given the Biden Administration’s control of the military, which is now indoctrinating soldiers in Critical Race Theory, the Left’s growing influence over secret surveillance operations… and an educational system and popular culture that tirelessly push the Left’s agenda, we on the other side may be in for a rocky ride.

The Left and its Democratic enablers are also bringing bedlam to our cities by facilitating the entry into our country of criminal illegals. It will continue along this path while weakening the power of the police if such moves are thought to strengthen its hand.

Biden and his advisors have already refused to send back illegals who have committed truly heinous crimes, and we may reasonably conclude that the Democrats and their media and woke capitalist allies hope to make the likely increase of violence work to their benefit. …

Last summer’s paid mobs, subsidized by the Democratic Party, ushered in more than mayhem and chaos. In that moment, this country crossed the line from the government we used to have to the more sinister arrangement we suffer under now. Those who carried out the violence enjoyed the patronage of the party that subsequently won the presidential election and then the Georgia Senate runoff race (both in suspect circumstances).

Violence is enhancing the power of those who can use it with total impunity.

Add to all that:

District Attorneys brought to power with massive funding by the arch villain George Soros – most notably in California – are letting violent criminals out of prison, and have actually legalized crime.

Hundreds of people are being held in prison without trial, and threatened with long sentences, for having merely been present during the unarmed occupation of the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The 74 million (or more) who voted for Donald Trump in November 2020 are being officially designated “white supremacist terrorists”, which makes them vulnerable to extreme punitive measures, such as years in the newly conceived – though not yet named – American gulag.

Posted under government, Leftism, United States by Jillian Becker on Friday, March 26, 2021

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