Resistance rising 178

Do not go gentle into that good night

       Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

                           – Dylan Thomas


Let’s “not go gentle” into this political night.

We select points from an article at American Greatness by Steve Baldwin:

With it’s support for open borders, the use of illegal Executive Orders, the undermining of our constitutional rights, the unprecedented demonization and harassment of conservatives based on phony racial narratives, the Biden agenda is a total assault on America’s founding principles, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.

It is not known at this time whether America will survive this assault. To be sure, if Biden succeeds with packing the court, converting D.C. or Puerto Rico into new states, granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, and institutionalizing the corruption of our electoral system, we may never recover the America of our fathers. Rather, we will witness the evolution of what one could call a “soft” police state, characterized by cronyism, socialism, globalism, and the complete censorship and ostracization of everyone and anyone not supportive of the revolution.

It is clearly the duty of traditional Americans to challenge this illegitimate regime and every grassroots group, PAC, think tank, and foundation on the Right needs to be solely focused on defeating this monster or our movement will cease to exist.

Groups that shy away from this challenge, need to go down, and if old-line conservative groups are not up to the fight, new groups yet to be formed need to take their place. A successful resistance needs big numbers.

The good news is that the MAGA movement inspired by Trump has created the largest grassroots political movement in modern political history.

And the “Biden” oligarchy is really sacred of it. They call it – absurdly -a “white supremacist” and “terrorist” movement.

In fact, the American Left, which cheated Joe Biden into power,  is increasingly a black supremacist  movement. It is using terrorist tactics – riot, arson, looting, blinding, beating, killing – and threatening more such violence if courts of law do not reach the decisions it demands.

Last week, former Vice President Mike Pence announced the formation of Advancing America Freedom to serve as a clearinghouse for the MAGA grassroots. We can hope that this is not just a group to promote Mike Pence but rather a real effort to harness the energy of the millions of MAGA volunteers and put them to work fighting cancel culture, recruiting candidates, and working to win back Congress in 2022. Right off the bat, I hope they kick off their efforts by hosting a series of massive MAGA rallies featuring Trump himself.

But the MAGA movement has also given birth to hundreds of smaller grassroots groups all over the country, many involving people fairly new to politics. Groups such as Moms for Liberty and 1776 Forever Free. Other groups are forming that focus on specific issues such as Stop Corporate Tyranny, which was recently formed to educate the grassroots about what corporations should be boycotted for selling out America.

Former Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller has formed a group called America First Legal to assist Republican attorneys with challenging executive branch abuses in addition to filing lawsuits of its own.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation recently forced Pennsylvania to remove 21,000 people from the state voter database.

Even the staid Republican National Committee has announced the creation of a committee to “work alongside state governments to push for election reforms including a voter ID requirement and having poll watchers count every vote”.

A nonpartisan fact-check group called Just the Facts has just released research showing that it’s very possible the illegal alien vote alone cost Trump the 2020 election.

The full article includes more organizations dedicated to resisting the growth of Leftist tyranny under the “Biden” administration and describes more ways of resisting. Read it all here.