Longing for misery 189

Do those who are bringing misery on America believe they themselves will escape it?

Or do they long for misery like a fanatical Christian martyr?

Eric Utter writes at American Thinker:

The economy is in the tank, inflation is rampant, gas lines are getting long in some areas, daubers are down, and no one in the White House knows what to do about any of it.  It may be worse than that.  It may be possible that no one in the White House wants to do anything about any of it because it is part of the plan, the Great Reset, the elite’s desire to take the U.S. down a peg while/by reducing greenhouse gases — and increasing intersectionality, multiculturalism, Critical Race Theory, and other noxious forms of political correctness.

An unprecedented economic event has occurred: rising unemployment in a time of acute labor shortage. Only leftist policy prescriptions can yield truly miraculous outcomes such as this.  Sagging economy and rising inflation; rising unemployment and severe labor shortage.

Well, at least we can look forward to the continued evisceration of small businesses, the utter destruction of our energy sector, the insolvency of Social Security and Medicare, and the bankrupting of our children and grandchildren…if not total societal collapse. 

The Carter Era was brought to a merciful end with the election of Ronald Reagan on November 4 of that year.  Reagan restored America’s economy and spirit.  Hope quickly replaced malaise.  But, as President Reagan said:

Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.

For one brief shining moment under President Trump, it appeared that America might regain its bearings and its purpose, both lost during the Obama Era.  However, whereas Carter was a one-term president followed by two-term Reagan, Obama was a two-term executive, while Trump was voted out — or cheated out — of office after one term.

In light of stupefying — and tragically effective — Democratic malfeasance, and the degradation of the American public’s character and values on one hand and its apparent docility on the other, it appears likely that Reagan’s warning will not be heeded.

Posted under United States by Jillian Becker on Sunday, May 16, 2021

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