The stench of fraud 65
Is there still some cause for hope that the 2020 election will not result in the corrupt senile crook Joe Biden being inaugurated as president of the United States?
Can it be shown that there was, for instance, electronic manipulation of vote counting machines on a massive scale? If so, are there experts who can prove it?
The “smartest man in the room” has joined Sidney Powell’s team …
… investigating election fraud, writes Andrea Widburg at American Thinker.
She goes on:
In her Georgia complaint, Sidney Powell included the declaration of Navid Keshavarz-Nia, an expert witness who stated under oath that there was massive computer fraud in the 2020 election, all of it intended to secure a victory for Joe Biden. Dr. Kershavarz-Nia’s name may not mean a lot to you, but it’s one of the weightiest names in the world when it comes to sniffing out cyber-security problems.
We know how important Dr. Kershavarz-Nia is because, just two and a half months ago, the New York Times ran one of its Sunday long-form articles about a massive, multi-million-dollar fraud that a talented grifter [named Garrison Courtney] ran against the American intelligence and military communities. Dr. Kershavarz-Nia is one of the few people who comes off looking good:
Navid Keshavarz-Nia, those who worked with him said, “was always the smartest person in the room”. In doing cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I., he had spent decades connecting top-secret dots. After several months of working with Mr. Courtney, he began connecting those dots too. He did not like where they led.
Not only does Dr. Kershavarz-Nia have an innate intelligence, but he’s also got extraordinary academic and practical skills in cyber-fraud detection and analysis. …
His qualifications include a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in various areas of electrical and computer engineering. In addition, “I have advanced trained from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), DHS office of Intelligence & Analysis (I&A) and Massachusetts Institution of Technology (MIT).”
Professionally, Dr. Kershavarz-Nia has spent his career as a cyber-security engineer. “My experience,” he attests,” spans 35 years performing technical assessment, mathematical modeling, cyber-attack pattern analysis, and security intelligence.” I will not belabor the point. Take it as given that Dr. Kershavarz-Nia may know more about cyber-security than anyone else in America. …
So his opinion carries weight. What is his opinion?
Dr. Keshavarz-Nia concluded with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump being transferred to Vice President Biden.
It is a plain accusation that the Democrats cheated to gain a win for their senile corrupt cooked candidate.
Will the battleground states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – where the electronic fraud was most dramatically practiced, be able to ignore the accusation and carry on certifying the results for Joe Biden and so advancing the process of getting him inaugurated?
We’ll see what happens.
Trump the Hero: triumphant or tragic or both? 182
What we find hardest to bear about this hugely frustrating, painfully devastating election result putting a senile corrupt crook into the presidency, is that so much good that President Trump did for America, both at home and abroad, will be undone. The bad men and women who did terrible harm in the Obama years will be back and doing more of it, even worse than before.
Under the regime looming up over us, as regulations are reinstated and taxes are raised, most Americans will be poorer. We will be less safe as a nation because our enemies, most notably China and Iran, will be strengthened. When, as seems probable, law and order is rubbished as a “white privilege” invention, and police, if allowed to exist at all, are stripped of effective powers, we will be less safe as individuals.
Worst of all, our freedom will be lost.
The glorious four years of the Trump presidency will have been a brief interlude in the decline of the West. However –
Donald Trump will always be one of the great heroes of American and World history.
Only – Eric Landrum asks at American Greatness – is he to be reckoned a triumphant or a tragic hero?
Landrum is not ready to give up hope that America (and so the World) might yet be saved from the Biden doom. But he regretfully concedes that even if saved, America will not be the same united Republic it was founded to be and has been since the end of the civil war.
Donald Trump is a hero. That’s an objective statement of fact that no fake news outlet or phony fact-check can change.
The only question remaining, then, is: Will Donald Trump be remembered as a triumphant hero, or a tragic hero?
Just as with 2016, the movie-like narrative of the 2020 election was building up to be yet another truly glorious comeback victory from the greatest political underdog in modern history, Donald J. Trump. He was actively fighting against Big Tech, the polls, Hollywood, academia, the media, Wall Street, the Democratic Party, establishment Republicans, the international community, violent anarchist mobs, a Chinese plague, and the deep state—virtually the same rogues gallery he was up against in 2016, with a few new additions and even higher stakes.
By midnight of November 3, he was speeding towards a stunning landslide reelection victory. He had effortlessly taken Florida by the biggest margin for any presidential candidate in 16 years. He had won Ohio by a slightly higher margin than in 2016, which itself was the biggest margin of victory in that state for any candidate since 1988. Turnout from the rural, working-class areas he needed to win was at historic levels, and he had insurmountable leads in the three crucial Rust Belt states. He was winning, and winning big.
The sudden, and nearly simultaneous, stopping of the counts in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia somewhere between midnight and 1 a.m., followed by the abrupt restart and announcement of new leads for Joe Biden in all of those states at around 4 a.m. the following day, are at the heart of the very legitimate and credible claims of voter fraud by President Trump and his supporters.
There is a path for victory for the president, both legal and political, despite the media’s best efforts to pull a “nothing to see here” routine as they rush to declare the race over in favor of Biden, insisting that there is no voter fraud despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
It has been said before, and needs to be said again: At this point, it is far too late for our Republic as once we knew it.
No matter what happens, no matter whose hand rests on the Bible on January 20, 2021, to take the oath of office, half of the country will deem that president’s term to be illegitimate. Half the country will claim that the election was stolen, either by voter fraud or by voter suppression. Half the country will spend the next four years demonstrating in the streets, whether it be militant communists and frothing black nationalists determined to destroy the country, or furious patriots trying to save it.
To that extent, a second Trump term may matter just as little as a Biden presidency, even if a Biden Administration is as short-lived as some predict it will be in favor of a Kamala Harris presidency. If President Trump does indeed serve a second term, a betting man would be wise to put his money on the likelihood of a second impeachment, for starters.
Should Trump prevail in this election, the media, globalist leaders, the Democrats, and Big Tech most likely will be reading the same four-letter word from the same script: coup. With this one word, often used by Trump supporters (accurately) to describe the deep state’s efforts to sink his presidency with the “Russian collusion” hoax, the Left will begin explicitly making the argument that President Trump is a usurper and a dictator who should not be in office.
At this point, the evidence seems to suggest overwhelmingly that whatever victory Trump may be able to pull off will be a bittersweet one, with the president and the nation robbed of the landslide triumph toward which he was heading, and any second term will be marred by even more obstructionism in the halls of Congress and targeted violence in the streets.
But there is still a victory to be achieved here, and it is not the possibility of earning a second term in the face of insurmountable odds, as satisfying as that would be. Indeed, it is true poetic justice that this election fiasco in and of itself, chaos and all, could be a victory for Donald Trump. …
President Trump’s greatest achievement was not the monumental tax cuts, the renegotiated trade deals, crushing ISIS, or building the wall; his greatest achievement was exposing the sheer corruption, unholy levels of power, and vicious contempt of the ruling class in our country. It was evident in every single thing they did to try to destroy him over the last five years, with their determination matched only by President Trump’s willpower, fueled by his love of country and determination to save it from the forces that were out to destroy him.
Adding to that, it must be said that nothing has exposed their corruption more than this debacle of an election. Now, at least 74 million Americans are well aware of the fact that the elite will even undermine our own electoral processes from within just to get their way, the will of the people be damned.
The true kicker, however, is not the revelation that they have done this—as cheating surely has been part of our electoral politics throughout our history. It’s that Donald Trump was the one who exposed it by finally fighting back, whereas all other Republicans instinctively would have recoiled in fear. That is why his efforts to fight back now, even if they are ultimately for naught, will still leave behind a legacy that will last far beyond the next four years.
Indeed, many of his most recent achievements surely will be swept under the rug, undermined, or retroactively stolen from him by being blindly credited to Biden. But there is no denying that he leaves behind a framework for a stronger country in every way possible.
He saved the economy, not once, but twice; he ultimately defeated the Chinese virus, giving us a vaccine in the final months of his first term; he restored American strength around the globe, through more calculated but restrained uses of our military as well as a tougher approach to trade. And he leaves behind a clear blueprint for how an unapologetically nationalist and populist message can, barring mass voter fraud, win electoral landslides and create previously unprecedented political coalitions, even against overwhelming opposition from the elite.
As such, it is clear that Donald Trump has already secured his place in history as a tragic hero. …
He exposed the media. He exposed the leadership of both political parties. He exposed Hollywood, academia, Big Tech, and the globalists who are in charge of nations that we previously thought to be our closest allies. He awakened millions to the realities of the culture war that was already raging against us, and the scourge of mass immigration. He drew back the curtain, pulled the wool from our eyes, and led us out of the cave so that we would no longer stare endlessly at the illusions of the shadows on the wall. …
The true tragedy of the story of Donald Trump is that he may not see the fulfillment of what he started. But he showed us the way to a better place, and nothing can take that away from him.
No news good news 79
Trying to find and share a bright side of the election calamity, we offer the following.
Highly trustworthy Victor Davis Hanson tells us (at American Greatness):
The media has now vanished—kaput, no more, ended.
Oh, good!
There are still persons calling themselves “reporters”, and even “journalists”, pretending to find out what is happening of public concern and making it known to the public, just like real reporters used to do, but it is all just masquerade, parody, travesty; lies; smoke.
Within a few hours, [the so-called press] ] goes from a Ministry-of-Truth love session with Joe Biden to a steaming verbal assault on the president’s press secretary—without a shred of awareness how ridiculous they appear in their passive-aggressive schizophrenia. The only constant is that reporters unapologetically seem to jettison their principles and professionalism to calibrate what they say and do by whose politics they support. They would prefer to be entirely discredited under a Biden presidency than be real journalists during a Trump Administration. …
[They] poorly prepared the nation for their envisioned Biden presidency. To foster that agenda, journalists have done enormous damage to the country. The bias inherent in Silicon Valley’s monopoly of the internet and social media communications was poorly disguised in efforts to aid the progressive effort. It is a matter now of only when, not if, these trusts and monopolies will be regulated and broken up.
Good again!
There will still be half-hearted defenses of episodic accurate polling at the national or state level. But these pleas will be in vain, given that by and large, pollsters, as in 2016, did not just get the critical state voting wrong but predictably wrong in a predictable direction for predictable purposes. In pursuit of short-term gain, pollsters irrevocably ruined their reputations.
A frail Joe Biden was never fully vetted. Rather, he was protected and sheltered by the media. Now 330 million Americans will see whether cognitively he is up to impromptu press conferences, 18-hour days, tough negotiations with opportunistic foreign leaders, and the demands of traversing the country to rally both the country and his party adherents. A media that fed 25th Amendment hysterias during the Trump administration will have to pivot, and now declare any such talk absurd—lest Biden be subjected to the same sort of Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test that Trump aced.
His keepers will drag him about, like the ventriloquist’s dummy that he is, and no one will notice whether or not he is still alive.
The disturbing revelations about the Bidens and Burisma in October were never covered. As a result, for the duration of the Biden Administration, Hunter Biden will remain an object of scrutiny and investigation, along with many of his now angry associates who feel betrayed and are ready either to talk of their misplaced loyalty or broker ways out of their complicity. Who knows how long the [zombie] media, without their ratings propped up by the Trump bogeyman, will ignore the buzz of a Biden familial syndicate—with a Kamala Harris always waiting in the wings.
Lurking in the wings. Crouching in the wings. Ready to spring with a loud tirumphant cackle.
So no one knows to what degree further revelations will emerge about Biden family corruption—only that all these allegations have heretofore not just been ignored but deliberately smothered by the media. And that is not a sustainable effort. The smell of scandal will linger throughout the Biden presidency. …
But most importantly, Americans have no idea of what the latest incarnation of Joe Biden will bring. Biden gave only scripted and teleprompted bromides from his basement. The media never pressed him to be clear on issues like the China reset, the Middle-East recalibration, fracking, the Green New Deal, reparations, the wall and open borders, proposed tax increases, and on and on.
The ventriloquists hadn’t thought about those trivialities. They were wholly concentrated on the great task of destroying President Trump.
So the country has little warning whether the Biden Administration will be guided by the hard Left agenda of Kamala Harris, “the squad,” or Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)—or stung by the rejection of progressive extremism in the congressional elections and the close presidential race enough to move to the center.
Will Biden pursue or give up notions of ending the Electoral College, packing the court, admitting in new states, ending the Senate filibuster, neutering the Second Amendment, and other assorted radical promises? Whatever he decides will disappoint his leftwing BLM/socialist base, swing-state terrified congressional Democrats—and likely the bewildered American people. …
The American people are trending toward the Trump agenda that is winning despite the overwhelming odds against it. Even the combined efforts of Wall Street, academia, the media, Silicon Valley, the corporate boardrooms, the Washington government establishment, entertainment, and professional sports cannot beat an angry and mistreated people–if they are united.
The Trump base has won without all of the above, and will win without emulating the Left’s tactics of street brawling, mass violence, looting, and arson. Nor has it sought to undermine the federal courts, abuse the intelligence services, warp the Justice Department, or welcome the help of the retired officer corps or anonymous sleeper opponents within the bureaucracy. It was the self-righteous Obama, not the much pilloried Trump, who sought extra-legal means to monitor his opponents, weaponize the government, and likely violate the law.
There is a series of battles to come in January 2021, in 2022, and in 2024. And they can be won and will be definitive …
And we will know about them … how?
There will need to be a new Fourth Estate. New Googles, new Twitters, new YouTubes. Many of them. All in cut-throat competition to be the quickest to tell us what is happening, and the most accurate, the most truthful.
And they will identify the hand working the jaw of the Biden dummy.
The age of true information filling the ether will have come at last.
O brave new world that will have such virtual papers in it!
Thoughts on a chaotic election 17
Are these thoughts encouraging or do they sharpen the pangs of doubt and despair?
Fred Fleitz, president of the Center for Security Policy, former (2018) deputy assistant to the president and to the chief of staff of the National Security Council, writes:
Despite elaborate efforts by the mainstream media, liberal politicians and others on the left to destroy Donald Trump’s candidacy and presidency, the 2020 presidential election is on knife’s edge. Many, many Americans defied the media and voted in favor of Trump’s presidency and his policies. We may see a protracted legal battle before we know the victor of the election.
There was no “blue wave”. It appears Republicans held the Senate and gained a few seats in the House. If the GOP does keep the Senate, this means that even if Biden wins the 2020 election, he won’t be able to implement his most radical policies that his critics feared. There won’t be any constitutionally-dubious ploys to add DC and Puerto Rico as states. There will be no packing of the Supreme Court. A President Biden won’t be able to raise taxes, provide huge tax relief to blue states by reinstating the SALT tax deduction, or “transition” our country away from oil. The New Green Deal is dead.
If the Republicans hold the Senate, no matter who wins the White House, this will be a huge defeat for far-left radicals like Senator Bernie Sanders, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and violent anarchist groups like BLM and Antifa who thought this election would move our country toward socialism. On national security, if Biden wins, a Republican Senate will refuse to confirm far-left, corrupt and partisan nominees. That means Adam Schiff can forget about becoming the next Director of National Intelligence.
On the other hand, if GOP control of the Senate slips away or if there is a tie under a Biden presidency (under which Kamala Harris would break ties as President of the Senate), our country is in real trouble.
But even if the Republicans keep the Senate under a Biden presidency, this does not mean a Biden administration would not undermine our freedom and security. It would do enormous damage to the economy and our freedom once it controls federal bureaucracies, the Justice Department, and the FBI. There will be increased efforts to “cancel” conservative thought. Our intelligence agencies could once again be used to spy on the Democrats’ political opponents. And Biden national security policies likely would be far worse than the incompetence and appeasement of the Obama administration.
Moreover, if a Biden administration decides to rejoin the fraudulent nuclear deal with Iran, President Trump’s Middle East peace efforts probably would collapse. The Middle East will become more unstable. America’s relationship with Israel likely would deteriorate. The Jerusalem Post reported on Nov. 2 that Palestinian officials have already been in touch with the Biden campaign.
If President Trump pulls out a win, he has an historic opportunity to finish what he started. Trump administration’s efforts to bring peace to the Middle East has scored major successes over the last few months with the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan signing agreements to normalize relations with Israel. More agreements are on the way.
President Trump will face tough challenges in dealing with North Korea and China, but he has made progress in dealing with both states. His reelection would bolster his standing on the global stage and enhance his ability to negotiate with them.
President Trump must complete his efforts to take back the administrative state for the American people. The permanent federal bureaucracy thinks it works for itself and the left which is why government bureaucrats and Democratic politicians fought so hard to destroy the Trump presidency. They failed. In a second term, President Trump must move quickly to name a new crop of officials to top positions in federal agencies who will clean house and streamline to eliminate waste, corruption and duplication. But most important, these new Trump officials must press federal employees to do the jobs the taxpayer pays them to do and keep politics out of their work.
This will require President Trump naming officials who will not be coopted by the bureaucracy and be easily cowed by criticism from the mainstream media and the left. The President must give them strict instructions to clean house when they assume their new posts.
Our country may face some difficult days over the next few weeks before we know for certain the winner of the 2020 presidential election. We are a strong nation and have survived political tumult much worse than this election. We will get through this.
To find ourselves in a Trumpian America, free and prosperous, or in a fresh hell of Democrat dictatorship?
The president maker 50
Keean Bexte of Rebel News explores the relationship between George Soros – aka Ernst Stavro Blofeld – and the Dominion machines that switched the votes from Trump to Biden in the US election.
The Durham hypothesis 110
Is there such a thing in the making as “the Durham Report”?
It retreats perpetually from those who thirst for it, like a mirage in a desert.
Was ever document so eagerly awaited?
Expectation of its transformative powers so trusted?
Its publication so often postponed?
Does “John Durham” actually exist?
It has been a year and a half since Attorney General William Barr announced that he had assigned a lawyer named John Durham to conduct an investigation into the FBI’s investigation into the Democrats’ allegation that Russia had interfered in the 2016 elections to help Donald Trump win the presidency.
Why this particular man? Seems he is an arch Investigator. One might say, an investigators’ Investigator.
He has done so much investigating that one cannot after all seriously doubt that he exists.
So what is the record of his investigations? Is it very impressive that he should be appointed to investigate again and again by succeeding Attorneys General?
Well, maybe not very encouraging to those who hope that he will be the nemesis of the fraudsters who forged scurrilous “evidence” against Donald Trump.
It was this very John Durham who was appointed in 2008 by Attorney General Michael Mukasey to investigate whether the CIA had destroyed the videotapes of their interrogations of terrorist prisoners detained at Guantanamo. In 2010, Durham completed his investigations but did not recommend any criminal charges. His findings in that case have never been made public.
In August 2009, Attorney General Eric Holder appointed the same John Durham to investigate whether the CIA had used torture to elicit information from Guantanamo detainees. In particular he investigated the deaths of two detainees reportedly under torture in 2011. But the investigation was closed in 2012 without any charges being filed.
To come back to this John Durham’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election: his remit was “to broadly examine the government’s collection of intelligence involving the Trump campaign’s interactions with Russians”.
Seems to us there is an underlying assumption there that the Trump campaign actually did “interact” with Russians. But we know he didn’t. So that’s what Investigator John Durham will find out, right?
Oh, and our hopes were stoked up when in late October 2019 we got some exciting news of the Durham investigation. It had evolved from a plain investigation into, we were told, a criminal investigation. How we all looked to John Durham to see that justice would be done, the forgers of “evidence” against Donald Trump exposed, their villainy laid bare for all to see in court, their due punishment pronounced. We could almost hear the sound of their cell doors being shut and locked.
And what we supposed was the first of these delights, the deep satisfaction of our need to see justice done, came with the news that an FBI attorney named Kevin Clinesmith was being charged with altering an email to make it seem that one member of Donald Trump’s campaign, Carter Page, was not a US intelligence “asset”, when he actually was. It all began to happen. Clinesmith was brought to court! He was found guilty! He was sentenced – wait. No, sorry, he wasn’t sentenced. But we are told he will be sentenced. Sure. Of course. Now for the next one.
There has not been a next one.
Oh, but the Report itself … wasn’t it about to appear? Hadn’t we been told it would be published before Labor Day? Ye-es, but the publication had been postponed. To October. Fine, fine – it will be out before the election. It will undeceive millions who have believed the “Trump interaction with Russia” lie. The truth will help the Trump campaign.
No. Sorry again. There is no plan to publish the Report before the election.
So now? Nothing? A bit of news: one of those who we had reason to believe was a chief conspirator against Donald Trump, John Brennan, head of the CIA, was told by Investigator John Durham that he was not “a subject or target of a criminal investigation”.
What? If not John Brennan then who?
No one. No one did anything wrong. It was not wrong to compile a dossier full of false information extremely damaging to an elected president or to leak it to the press. It was not wrong to wiretap Trump tower in order to spy on Donald Trump himself. It was not wrong to set up an investigation to the same end, draw it out for years, let it spend tens of millions on what everyone involved knew was a wild goose chase, there never having been any interaction between Donald Trump and Russians. Nothing wrong, let alone criminal.
Only some allies and associates of Trump were found to have done terribly wicked things, like forget something they’d said under oath, so apparently contradicted themselves, so had been caught lying, and so deserved long imprisonment. To be specific, that’s what Durham’s little church of innocents did to Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, as everybody knows.
So a report won’t come from John Durham, eventually, which will reveal the truth? All the truth? Now that the election is over? All won’t be revealed, all put right, at last?
Post script: John Durham was also entrusted with an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. We found plenty wrong with it. (See for instance here and here.) The great Investigator found nothing wrong with it at all. Not a thing.
The implacable anger of the ruling class 107
The ruling class of America resents an outsider seizing the levers of power.
The outsider Donald Trump did that, which is the real reason why the ruling class hates him.
That is the view of Roger Kimball, editor of The New Criterion. He writes about it at American Greatness:
Children in the United States are (or at least they used to be) told that in America, anyone can become president.
Of course, that has never really been true. At any given time, there are plenty of people who, for various reasons, could never become president. But the pleasing story did name a sort of half-truth that was also an ideal, an ideal that revolved around the effort to maintain a society that rewarded talent, ambition, and hard work more than it valued wealth, connections, or pedigree.
Donald Trump put that ideal to the test. The test failed.
Trump was the first candidate since Andrew Jackson really to challenge the dominant narrative. Trump was rich, which is a plus for candidates these days. But he came not just from the wrong sort of family, but also from the wrong consensus, the wrong universe of opinion and sentiment.
It was not so much his particular policies that were at issue. It was rather what he himself represented. Some people have banged on and on about Trump’s “character”, which they said was a bad character. But I do not believe that his character was ever really the issue. The issue was that he represented an existential threat to the governing consensus.
This consensus is not fundamentally Democratic or Republican. It is not really even left-wing or conservative. John Fonte came close to identifying it with his phrase “transnational progressivism.” The “transnational” part was just as important as the “progressive” element, not least because the definition of “progressive” is always a mutable and hungry thing. Yesterday’s progressive ideas routinely become tomorrow’s reactionary throwbacks because the critical thing is not specific policies but specific attitudes.
The transnational ruling class meets at Davos. It governs the EU. It conducts the raucous orchestrated evil worked continually by the UN. It is perpetually, stubbornly, ardently against the idea of people doing whatever they want to do.
It helps explain why so successful a president—has anyone in history had a more successful first term than Donald Trump?—could still be so cordially hated by the credentialed elite, both in this country and abroad.
Cordially? No. Not cordially. Bitterly. Furiously.
That elite has “gone beyond” such parochial affections as patriotism [and] national identity … To a large extent it has even “gone beyond” or at least redefined family. Donald Trump was a walking rebuke to every finer feeling with which they congratulated and fanned themselves. For four years, they stood together as one to emit a primal scream of repudiation. Nothing worked. Not the Russia collusion delusion, not the preposterous Ukrainian impeachment follies, not the dark talk about invoking the 25th Amendment, nothing.
Now, finally, their concerted assault against a U.S. presidential election may have done the trick. …
But …
Some 73 million people voted for Donald Trump. They are not retreating in silence to their caves. They are galvanized with the MAGA spirit that Trump inculcated in the country and, except for a handful of soy boys, in the Republican Party. As I write, thousands upon thousands of people are descending upon Washington D.C. for “a million MAGA march”. There is the “Women for Trump” contingent, the “Stop the Steal” contingent, and more. These are the people who are fleeing Fox News, Twitter, Facebook, not to mention CNN, The New York Times, and the entire woke establishment to create a counterforce …
I suspect that Donald Trump may have the last laugh.
Many people have bet against Donald Trump over the years. Most came to regret it. …
Donald Trump advises:
“Never bet against me.”
If Kimball is right – and I think he makes a good case – the republic of the United States is not governed by the people for the people, but by a few people for their own gratification.
They risk allowing general suffrage, and occasionally the risk takes their assumed birthright of power away from them as Donald Trump did in 2016. They are trying to snatch it back by any means, however immoral, violent, and persistently arrogant.
They need to be permanently overthrown, and the movement of the people launched by Donald Trump may yet succeed in doing it. It would be the greatest historical triumph since the founding of the American republic.
Hail to the chief 52
This open letter from retired military leaders, declaring their loyalty to President Trump, is timely, necessary, and welcome, because his legitimate government is under threat by unscrupulous Democrat plotters, who have even threatened to use the army to remove him from the White House. Can the letter be taken as a warning to them?
Open Letter from Senior Military Leaders
The 2020 election affords the American people an urgently needed opportunity to affirm their devotion to the Constitution of the United States and to the American way of life.
As senior leaders of America’s military, we took an oath to defend the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. At present, our country is now confronted with enemies here and abroad, as well as a once in a century pandemic. As retired military officers, we believe that Donald J. Trump has been tested as few other presidents have and is the proven leader to confront these dangers.
It can be argued that this is the most important election since our country was founded. With the Democratic Party welcoming to socialists and Marxists, our historic way of life is at stake.
During the Obama/Biden administration, America’s armed forces were subjected to a series of ill-considered and debilitating budget cuts. The Democrats have once again pledged to cut defense spending, undermining our military strength. The Democrats’ opposition to border security, their pledge to return to the disastrous Iran nuclear deal, their antagonism towards the police and planned cuts to military spending will leave the United States more vulnerable to foreign enemies. President Trump’s resolute stands have deterred our enemies from aggression against us and our allies.
The proposed defense cuts by the Democrats will, in our professional judgment, create a potentially perilous situation for the United States during a time of great external and internal threats to our Nation.
For these reasons, we support Donald Trump’s re-election. We believe that President Donald Trump is committed to a strong America. As president, he will continue to secure our borders, defeat our adversaries, and restore law and order domestically. We urge our fellow Americans to join us in supporting the re-election of Donald Trump for President.
See the very long list of signatures here.
Cheering 35
Saturday, November 14, 2020, President Trump’s motorcade drives through the March for Trump rally in Washington, D.C., as the crowd cheers and shouts “Stop the Steal!” and “Four More Years!”