Plundering hordes 33

Here’s a personal account by a Polish observer of how the Oh-so-pitiful Muslim “refugees” behave when they reach Europe.

From Western Journalism, by Yochanan Visser:

Bulos Kalamis, a Polish tourist who was present when Middle Eastern refugees tried to force their way into Austria on the Italian border, gave us the following eyewitness account:

Half an hour ago on the border between Italy and Austria I saw a huge crowd of immigrants. With all solidarity to people in difficult circumstances, I have to say that what I saw arouses horror. This huge mass of people – sorry – but it’s an absolute wilderness … Vulgar, throwing bottles, shouting “We want Germany”. So what, Germany is now a paradise?

I saw an elderly Italian woman in a car that was surrounded by the immigrants. They pulled her by the hair out of the car and wanted to use it to go to Germany. They tried to topple the bus I was in. They threw feces at us, banging on the door for the driver to open it, spat on the glass. My question is- for what purpose? How do they want to assimilate in Germany? For a moment, it felt like in a warzone. I really feel sorry for these people, but if they would reach Poland – I do not think they would receive any understanding from us.

Why, we wonder, does he “feel sorry for these people”. Is it true that he does? He has already convinced us that he feels horror and disgust.

He goes on to say that he had felt compassion for them, but a close encounter changed his mind.

We spent three hours on the border, but failed to get through. The whole group was later transported back to Italy by the police. The bus is butchered, feces smeared, scratched, broken windows. And this is supposed to be an idea for the demographics? These big powerful hordes?

Among them there were almost no women and children – the vast majority was aggressive young men. Just yesterday I read the news on all the websites with real compassion, worried about their fate and today after what I saw I am just afraid. And I am happy they do not choose our country as their destination. We Poles are simply not ready to accept these people – neither culturally nor financially. I do not know if anyone is ready. A giant pathology is approaching the EU, one which we have never seen before. And sorry if anyone is offended by this entry.

A car with humanitarian aid came with food and water. They just toppled it and stole everything. With megaphones the Austrians announced a message that there is consensus for them to cross over the border – they wanted to register them and let them go on – but they did not understand these messages, none. And it was all the greatest horror … From those few thousand people nobody understood neither Italian nor English, or German, or Russian, or Spanish … What mattered was the law of the fist.

They fought for permission to move on, but they were already allowed to do so. They did not understand that! They broke into the French bus – everything was stolen in a short time. Never in my short life, [have] I had opportunity to watch such scenes and I feel that this is just the beginning. On a final note, it is worth helping, but not at any price.

No, it is not “worth helping” them. Quite the contrary, it is “worth” resisting their invasion and turning them back.

Europe’s reward for its idiotic self-destroying charity will be more terrorist attacks:

Today, the news site of the British papers Daily and Sunday Express revealed that an Islamic State operative [said] that more than 4,000 Jihadist gunmen had been smuggled into Europe together with other refugees.

The ISIS smuggler said that the 4,000 gunmen are ready to start operations in Europe, and that their infiltration into European countries is part of a larger plot that aims to avenge the air campaign by the US-led coalition against Islamic State.

Not just that. Europe is wide open now for the waging of jihad, which in the long perspective is what the Islamic “refugee” invasion is all about.

Even when some of them are sent back, they all too easily re-enter Europe:

If you might have doubts about what the ISIS smuggler said, consider this. Abdel Majid Touil, 22, was one of the refugees that arrived in Italy at the beginning of this year. Upon his arrival in Italy, he was caught on camera flashing a victory sign.

Weeks later, the same man was arrested after he reportedly butchered 21 tourists in the Bardo Museum in Tunis. Touil returned to Tunisia after he received an expulsion order from the Italian authorities. After the terrorist attack, he again fled to Italy on a boat full of refugees but was arrested by the Italian police in Milan.

President Hollande of France has called the attacks in Paris an act of war by the Islamic State, implying that France will now engage in that war. Is it possible that he means to win it? If so, what will victory look like? We wait eagerly to see.