Skeptical Conservatives 95

On the initiative of Consvltvs, to whose website Respvblica there’s a link on our blogroll, a group of SKEPTICAL CONSERVATIVES has been formed. (See the badge in our margin.)

The websites associated with us are:

Conservative Tendency


Secular Right

Sub Specie Aeternitatis

All of them may be found on our blogroll, and there is a Skeptical Conservative website here.

Applications for website membership may be sent to any of the existing associates for consideration by all of us.

Perfect agreement on politics and religion is not necessary among the members, but they must be conservative as opposed to “progressive”, and they must be skeptical about religion.

We (for example) are more robustly anti-religion than others, and probably less conservative and more libertarian.

We can’t predict how the association will be useful to its members, but there is a good chance that it may extend our respective readerships at a time when there seems to be a growing audience for anti-religious opinion. Books on atheism by famous writers – Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins in particular – are big sellers. Hitchens is witty and incisive. Dawkins is a brilliant exponent of evolution. But Dawkins has naive political opinions, and neither of them is even moderately well informed about religion in general or the precepts and histories of particular religions. We try to be well informed on both politics and religion, and hope to interest conservatives in general as well as the skeptics among them.


This video is by Consvltvs of  Respvblica, expressing his own skeptical conservative views. We like the music – Pachelbel’s Canon – and the pictures, and we think the subject is presented with dignity and grace.

Posted under Commentary, Conservatism, Philosophy by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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