The rape of Europe (2) 16

One speaker in the video blames a conspiracy of leftists, Zionists and capitalists for the Muslim rape of Europe. Obviously Zionists have nothing to do with it. It would in no way serve their interests. A Muslim Europe will be disastrous for Israel. Capitalists also have no interest in such an appalling development. They cannot gain anything from so many unemployable dependents. But leftists – yes. They invited them in. (European “conservatives” are welfare state leftists.) If there are enough Europeans who’ve still got balls, there will be civil war. The leftist Jewish lady at the end talks enough balls to furnish a dozen men. She was obviously tacked on to strengthen the idea that what is happening to Europe is a Jewish-capitalist conspiracy! The video is more than likely a neo-Nazi production. Yet what it says is happening to Europe is true!

Afterword: The Jewish (American) woman at the end of the video is Barbara Lerner Spectre, notorious for her promotion of multiculturalism in Europe for completely illogical and borderline insane reasons. She argues that if Europe becomes “multicultural” – ie. overwhelmed and governed by Muslims – the Jews of Europe and Israel will somehow benefit, so they need to help the process along!

Posted under Demography, Europe, France, Germany, immigration, Islam, jihad, Muslims, Videos by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, January 26, 2016

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