Securing a worse future 82

No sooner was one battle apparently won by a majority of the British people when their vote brought them out of the EU, than a new leader is elected who will continue to do the fatal damage that the EU was doing to Britain.

In this video, the person who is about to become the Prime Minister of what used to be the free kingdom of Great Britain, Theresa May, tells a series of lies about Islam, so preparing the way for further capitulation to the primitive, oppressive, cruel Muslim colonists who are gradually taking over control of the country.

The Lies

ISIS’s ideology “has nothing to do with Islam”. It has everything to do with Islam. (See here.)

“Let there be no compulsion in religion” – a sura that was abrogated by later suras. (See here.) Islam prescribes the punishment of death for apostasy.

The ideology of ISIS is “rejected by the vast majority” of Muslims. It is not. (See here and note the chart titled Support for Sharia.)

“Islam is a religion of peace.” It is a religion of war. (See here.)

Posted under Britain, Islam, jihad, Muslims, United Kingdom, Videos by Jillian Becker on Monday, July 11, 2016

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