A wicked motion 206

Mark Steyn explains with brilliant clarity that what is wrong with the motion M-103  recently passed by the Canadian parliament is that it is a lie. It is now an official parliamentary resolution that claims there is “a climate of hate and fear” of Islam among the general population of Canada.

There is no such thing – though there ought to be, and it ought to be strong enough to make it impossible to pass such a resolution.

Hate and fear are only being preached, urged, promoted, and induced by Muslims themselves, with sermons and acts of terrorism. They even call for genocide. And their right to do so will not be in the least diminished by this stupid lying resolution. On the contrary, M-103 protects Muslim hate-mongers and terrorists.

“We are taking refuge in official lies as our civilization crumbles,” Mark Steyn says at the end of the video.

We can only save our civilization if we start now seriously hating and fearing Islam, actively engaging its war against us with all we’ve got, and defeating it.