Lawless in Seattle 99

Police officers are resigning by the thousand.

With what – surely expectable – result?


Throughout a year of riots, autonomous zones, demonization of the police by public officials and defunding in 2020, over 200 officers quit the Seattle force. An additional 66 officers have quit so far in 2021. There are only 1,080 deployable officers –  a record low not seen since the 1980’s when the population of the city was less than half what it is now.

In August, the Seattle City Council defunded the department in perverse response to the riots following the death of George Floyd. Millions of dollars were funneled from the police department to local activist organizations, many of which were involved in the riots and the setting up of an “autonomous zone”. 

The defunding of the police has meant that the department is critically short-handed. This affects the investigation of crimes, and curtails routine patrol shifts to prevent crimes being committed. Residents wait long for a response after calling 911. Often there is no response.

This week it took police almost an hour to respond to a gun emergency on a public school campus.

Crime has increased across the city. The homicide rate in 2020 doubled from 2019 and is continuing the same upward climb in 2021.

Despite this, the City Council is considering more cuts to the police department’s budget.

In an interview with NPR, Seattle’s former police chief, Carmen Best, who resigned last summer, said the cuts and anti-police climate convinced her that her department was “destined to fail”.

Even Democrats can figure out, since it is obvious, that if you have too few police, or none, you will have a lot of crime. 

So having a lot of crime is their intention.

The agenda for which, they tell us, a majority of Americans voted in 2020!

Posted under Anarchy, Crime, government, Law, United States by Jillian Becker on Friday, April 30, 2021

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