Voices in the dark 129

The press was excluded from  the “nuclear conference” that Obama held with fellow dictators and other heads of state. This surely indicates over-caution on his part – up to now he could obviously rely on most of the press to defend him no matter what outrages he commits. Why did he think they’d let him down this time? Was he saying things that even his shills and sycophants would find hard to spin to his greater glory?

Rich Galen writes at Townhall:

The “leader of the free world” was putting on a clinic for some of the world’s greatest dictators in how to circumvent a free press.

No reporters were permitted in the sessions, and the amount of time the press was permitted to be in contact with any national leader was measured, literally, in seconds.

This was a summit to deal with the control of nuclear materials…

Like them or not, the tiny White House press corps is the eyes and ears for the other 300 million of us. Ignoring, hiding from, shutting out, and refusing to let those handful of people do their jobs on our behalf is a significant – a very significant – red flag.

If Barack Obama were simply exhibiting contempt for the press corps he might find many who agree with him. But, Obama is revealing disdain for the concept of being President in an open society.

The national press corps – whether they want Obama to succeed or fail – cannot ignore his scorn for the First Amendment.

Every other freedom depends upon it.

The Dictator threw a few remarks to the public which he allowed to be conveyed by the press. At RedState, Lori Ziganto comments on one of them:

Yesterday at his nuclear conference, Obama said the following …

“Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower.”

Whether we like it or not. That’s like what Mommies say when telling you to eat your yucky vegetables. Would he prefer that we be vulnerable and weak? Heck of an American Can-Do attitude, Barry!

It is, of course, being spun by those who still insist that we need to be above it all as “Oh, he meant we are drawn into conflicts due to being a superpower.” While perhaps true, one need only look to Obama’s associations and his very actions to see what he truly meant and what he believes.

Obama does not believe in American Exceptionalism and he is actively pursuing its decline. There, I said it. He has surrounded himself with people who hold these same beliefs. Further proof is evidenced by a speech – to young students – that his Science Czar gave the other day.

The Obama administration’s top science and technology official, who has argued for the economic de-development of America, warned science students last Friday that the United States cannot expect to be “number one” forever. “We can’t expect to be number one in everything indefinitely,” Dr. John P. Holdren said at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

We can’t expect to be number one in everything indefinitely. Because that would be meany pants, I suppose. And “not fair.” This isn’t the first time John Holdren has espoused such views. … Holdren argues for a redistribution of wealth achieved in part by green policies. Oh yeah, he also says that America isn’t really Exceptional. …

We’ve seen everything that we warned prior to the election coming true. Obama, his administration and the Democrats are trying to Europe-inize us with a federal government involved and in control of every aspect of our lives, a weakened military, attempts to morally equate America with our enemies and a belief that America is not special.

Well, it is special. America IS that shining city on the hill. It is a beacon of light for the rest of the world and it shall remain so, despite their best efforts to “hope and change” that.

The writer goes on to praise the contrasting attitude of a conservative Republican whom we think very highly of:

Liz Cheney called all this at last year’s RedState gathering… Thus, I’ll leave off with her words from the speech she gave last August:

“We know that freedom isn’t free, that America’s armed forces are the best fighting force the world has ever known. And finally, we know that America is the best nation on earth, the best that has ever existed. We believe in her goodness, her strength, her hope and her example — for all who seek freedom in every corner of the world. Those are conservative values. Those are American values.”

There is the difference. We believe in America’s goodness and strength. The Obama administration believes that to be a detriment.

She also said:

“He cannot attempt to stand above America and our enemies. America needs a Commander-in-Chief, not a global community organizer. The purpose of diplomacy is not to be liked. The purpose of foreign policy is not to get applause in foreign capitals. The purpose of having a Commander-in-Chief and pursuing a national security strategy is to defend America’s interests, aggressively, effectively and unapologetically. If the American President doesn’t do this — who will?”

We will, Liz. We, the people, will.