Raising American children to hate America 69

It is politically correct to exploit children for sinister ends. Here’s a video of children sweetly singing a blame-America pro-Obama warmist song (from eBaums World).

That was first posted in 2012.

This one was filmed and posted a few days ago. (Video and comment below from Best of Cain.)

Now, admittedly, there are only four or five kids in this video. I’d like to know how many intellectuals Bonham had to interview before he found these numbskulls. That said, this is clearly an ideology that is rampant in American Universities.  Whenever there’s a problem in the world, no matter what it may be, the United States is to blame.

It should go without saying that our nation, our wealth, and yes, our military might are the greatest stabilizing forces on Earth.  The real threat is the vacuum created by our absence.

Unfortunately, that lesson is nowhere to be found in most of higher education’s most hallowed halls.


P.S. An astute Harvard student sent us this message:

“I effing-well hope the US is more dangerous than ISIS! It is not a threat, but may it forever be the mightiest, most dangerous power on earth!”

We heartily concur.

He redeems the reputation of Harvard.


(Hat-tip for 2012 video: Don L)

Posted under Commentary, education, United States by Jillian Becker on Thursday, October 9, 2014

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