Acts of religion in Nigeria revisited 120

We do not like posting such pictures as these. But there has been emotional controversy over the provenance of the picture we posted under the title Acts of religion, some commenters writing in October 2011 to say that the caption, referring to Christians being burnt to death by Muslims in Nigeria, was misleading, as the picture showed the victims of a truck accident. Their implication is that we were deliberately misleading readers, and Christians were not burnt to death by Muslims in Nigeria in 2010. So here are pictures and links that expose the truth.

These pictures are of a Christian pastor and his wife burnt to death by Muslims in Nigeria.

The report may be found here.

The burnt bodies of the pentecostal pastor, Ishaya Kadah, and his wife, Selina, were discovered on Thursday by the police in the village, located in the predominantly Christian Tafawa Balewa district, two days after they were kidnapped …

And here are reports of more such killings:

Following attacks on Christians near Jos in Plateau state in January and March, sporadic killings of Christians reportedly continue. Previously hundreds of Christian villagers were struck with machetes and burned to death on March 7 [2010] in Dogo Nahawa, Zot and Rastat, three villages in Jos South and Barkin Ladi Local Government Areas.

On March 17, Muslim Fulani herdsmen assaulted two Christian villages in Plateau state, killing 13 persons, including a pregnant woman and children. In attacks presumably over disputed property but with a level of violence characteristic of jihadist method and motive, men in military camouflage and others in customary clothing also burned 20 houses in Byei and Baten villages, in the Riyom Local Government Area of the state, about 45 kilometers (29 miles) from Jos.

On Jan. 17, two pastors and 46 other Christians were killed in an outbreak of violence in Jos triggered when Muslim youths attacked a Catholic church. Police estimated over 300 lives were lost in subsequent clashes, in which 10 church buildings were burned.

These are essentially acts of religion.

See also our post Muhammad’s command, March 30, 2010.

(Go here for quotations from the Koran that command Muslims to use violence against non-Muslims and maim and kill them.)