The US Department of Defense and Dhimmitude 557

This is from the US Department of Defense:

WASHINGTON, July 2, 2014 – In addition to honoring the Muslim faith during Ramadan, the Pentagon’s 16th annual iftar demonstrated the importance of diversity and equality within the Defense Department, Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work said.

Iftar is the post-sunset breaking of the fast during the Islamic holy month. …

“Ramadan reminds us of our shared responsibility to treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves and the basic principles that bind people of different faiths together by yearning for peace, justice and equality,” Work said, citing the words of President Barack Obama.

“Tonight is an opportunity for people of different faiths to come together in the spirit of respect and tolerance to share the richness of our beliefs and to enjoy the traditions of hospitality that are such an important part of the Muslim community,” the deputy secretary said.

And this is today’s tally of what the Muslim yearning for peace has achieved in the first week only of the month of Ramadan. From The Religion of Peace:

Ramadan Bombathon
 2014 Scorecard 

Because, if you think all religions are the same,
then you haven’t been paying attention

Day 7 In the name of
The Religion
of Peace
In the name of
ANY Other
Hate Crime
Terror Attacks 44 0 1*
Suicide Bombings 2 0 0
Dead Bodies 291 0 1*
Wounded 394 0 0


 2014.07.03 – A Myanmar Muslim was killed by Buddhists on rumor of a rape. (A Buddhist was also killed by Muslims during the same riot). 


The Pentagon targeted by the Religion of Peace on 9/11/2001

Posted under Commentary, Defense, Islam, jihad, Muslims, United States, War by Jillian Becker on Saturday, July 5, 2014

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