This is Africa 164

A few months ago, a black American wrote this assertion in a comment section of this website:

There are no Christians in Nigeria.

Well, the way things are going in that country, his statement could become true – though in fact about half the population of Nigeria is Christian.

The other half is Muslim.

From Jihad Watch. October 14, 2020:

The slaughter of innocent people by jihadists in Africa, including the ongoing genocide against Christians, continues to be virtually ignored.

Members of the Boko Haram terrorist group killed 14 farmers in an attack in northeastern Nigeria, local media reported Tuesday.

The terrorists seized 15 farmers working in their fields in Ngwom village, located 14 kilometers (nine miles) north of the region’s main city Maiduguri, and cut their throats, according to local media. One of the farmers survived with a deep slash.

Boko Haram affiliated itself with ISIS.

Boko Haram means “Book-learning is forbidden”, which means “Western civilization, with its education, is forbidden”.

The violence, which has killed more than 30,000 people, has spread to neighboring Niger, Chad and Cameroon

Around 3 million people have been displaced in more than a decade of terrorist activities by Boko Haram. Scores of civilians are still trapped in remote communities and are unable to flee due to a lack of security on roads.

Still these lives are devalued, and glaringly so in the face of Black Lives Matter and the Muslim Brotherhood groups in the West that scream “Islamophobia” at every turn.

And find these reports of jihadi massacres in Burkina Faso here, in Tanzania here, and in Mozambique here and here.

Africa is still the Dark Continent, the poorest continent, and all too many of its natives are savage. Yes, as savage as the Asian Arabs of ISIS, as savage as the European Germans of the Third Reich.

Armies of civilized nations defeated ISIS and Nazi Germany. Who or what will defeat the savage gangs of Africa?

The very suggestion that the mainly white nations of the First World might do it, is enough to invite hordes of American savages – black and white – to come in the night and burn your town, knock you down, destroy all you own, perhaps even kill you. Because you are guilty of committing yourselves to the worst of ideologies: colonialism, imperialism, white supremacism.

It’s okay for you to feed hungry Africans; to educate African children; to bring Western medical expertise to sick Africans. (Though not always, and notably not in Somalia – see here and here.) But don’t you dare try to stop the jihadis’ massacres. Mass killing is what they do. It’s who they are. It’s what they feel comfortable with.

Not all Fulani Muslims are for the killing of Christians.

From an opinion column in the Jerusalem Post:

Thousands-upon-thousands of Christians in Nigeria have had their lives and property destroyed by militant Fulani tribesmen in the central part of the country on a new “jihad”.

It’s important to understand that the Fulani represent “the largest semi-nomadic group in the world and are found across West and Central Africa—from Senegal to the Central African Republic”. In Nigeria alone there are nearly seventeen million Fulani.

While the perpetrators of violence in the Middle Belt are almost exclusively Fulani, the vast majority of Fulani are not perpetrators. Indeed, many Fulani Muslims have spoken out against them. And other Fulani have also been killed by Islamist terrorists throughout the country, including during a terrible attack on a mosque in the northeast in 2018, and another brazen attack that targeted three emirs from the northeast, killing one in 2014.

The Nigerian government has serious challenges it can no longer ignore. For instance, what is their response to the charges laid by a former defense minister in a 2018 lecture?

The armed forces are not neutral. They collude. They collude with the armed bandits that kill people, kill Nigerians. They facilitate their movement, they cover them. If you are depending on the armed forces to stop the killings, you will die, one by one. The ethnic cleansing must stop . . .

His condemnation would never have been uttered if Fulani leaders themselves—including Nigeria’s president—more clearly, more frequently, and more loudly condemned these attacks and pledged to protect their Christian neighbors by deploying the personnel and resources necessary to defend the Christian communities from these violent marauders. At this advanced stage, however, words alone will be rendered meaningless without action to stop the evil and save the innocent.

What kind of action could stem the tide?

Look no further than one imam. When Fulani attackers launched coordinated attacks on Christian farmers in 10 villages in central Nigeria’s Plateau State in June 2018, eighty-three-year-old cleric and imam Abubakar Abdullahi hid Christians. In fact, he did more than just hide them:

As Imam Abdullahi was finishing midday prayers, he and his congregation heard gunshots and went outside to see members of the town’s Christian community fleeing. Instinctively, the Imam ushered 262 Christians into the mosque and his home next to the mosque. The Imam then went outside to confront the gunmen and he refused to allow them to enter, pleading with them to spare the Christians inside, even offering to sacrifice his life for theirs.

That mosque, which he had served in for sixty years, was built on land originally gifted by the Christian community to their Muslim neighbors. The imam survived, as did all 262 Christians.

If only Nigeria’s government was so courageous.

Should America act to save the Christians of Nigeria?

We risk the vilification and reproof – or worse – that any such action would bring down upon us for merely asking that question.

Take up the White Man’s burden—
The savage wars of peace—
Fill full the mouth of Famine
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
The end for others sought,
Watch Sloth and heathen Folly
Bring all your hopes to nought.

We regret that the great imperialist poet Rudyard Kipling described Folly as “heathen”. To us “heathen” is not a pejorative. We would substitute “feral”.

On further thought, we would change the whole of the second last line, so the revised poem would end:

Watch BLM and Antifa
Bring all your hopes to nought.

Because it would be hard to find an American organization that plainly cares as little for black lives as Black Lives Matter (BLM).

And none that as closely resembles the National Socialist gangs of the Third Reich as Antifa.