How many hillaries does it take … ? 178

We guess there are millions of people, tens of millions, who – like ourselves – long for justice to be done to Crooked Hillary and her aides and enablers.

Oh, to see them in prison! The hunger for vengeance upon them is intense, but only very slowly and teasingly is the Department of Justice  – not yet fully recovered from its 8 year performance as the Department of Social Justice – working towards the indictment, trial, and sentencing of those arch villains.

At least a start has been made. The Attorney General has ordered investigation into the sale by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of Sate of some 20% of US uranium ore to the Russians.

And her lying cheating aides may now, by suggestion and perhaps order of the President, be forced to disclose the hideous truths they have so willingly – for Crooked Hillary’s sake –  concealed. Willingly yes, but incompetently. They are being found out.   

Mark Moore at the New York Post reports:

President Trump [today, January 2 2018] suggested the Department of Justice “must finally act” to investigate longtime Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin after the State Department last week released emails belonging to her, including some marked classified that were found on her husband’s laptop.

Will the DOJ take the President’s suggestion as an order?

The President wrote on Twitter:

“Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others.”

The State Department last Friday released parts of 2,800 emails that belonged to Abedin but were recovered by the FBI on the laptop of her husband, former Rep. Anthony Weiner, during an investigation into his sexting with a female high school student.

He is now in prison. One down and innumerable others still to go.

​The discovery of the emails, ​some marked as classified, prompted former FBI Director James Comey to announce in October 2016, just weeks before the presidential election, that he would reopen the probe into Clinton’s use of a private email server.

He reversed himself two days before the vote, saying nothing of significance had been found in her emails.

Trump fired Comey, who had been heading the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the election, in May.

The president was also referring to a report on the Daily Caller website on Sunday that said Abedin forwarded sensitive work emails to her private Yahoo account – and some of the messages contained passwords for her government laptop.

The report noted that 500 million Yahoo accounts had been hacked in 2014.

Among those indicted by the Department of Justice in March 2017 for the hack was Igor Suschin, a former Russian intelligence agent.

So it may reasonably be assumed that the Russians have those passwords and that classified information. As well as 20% of US uranium.

And she and her accomplices continue to accuse President Trump of “collusion” with the Russians!

An obvious synonym for a “lie” is  a “hillary”.

Examples of use:

“The accusation that presidential candidate Donald Trump colluded with the Russians is a huge and wicked hillary.”

“How many hillaries has Huma told about those emails?”

“How many hillaries does it take to cover up years of criminal activity?”

We’ll never know the number, but that there were many will be revealed. Eventually. To be archived for posterity among the obscene selfies of a registered sex-offender.