Indicted 132

With admirable persistence the Special Tribunal for Lebanon pressed on against all discouragement and today indictments have been served for the murder of the former prime minister of Lebanon, Rafik Hariri.

See our post below, Eastern Explosions, for the importance of this to the political crisis in Lebanon and the possible repercussions in the region.

The indictments were submitted by the (Canadian) prosecutor, Daniel Bellemare, to the (Belgian) pre-trial judge Daniel Fransen. They reportedly name members of Hezbollah who planned and carried out the assassination, killing 22 other people in the truck-bombing.

One name is known: Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is indicted for giving the instructions to kill Hariri.

The effect this will have on the regime in Iran, and consequently throughout the Middle East and Islam, and thus the world, could be huge.