John Edwards and his God 120

John Edwards, former Senator, Democratic nominee for Vice President in 2004, and candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004 and again in 2008, cares deeply about his hair.

He does not care to be honorable, decent, or trustworthy.

And his God is – predictably, since no God is better than his creator – as ethically challenged as John Edwards himself.

CBS News reports:

After nine days of deliberation over a case that proved at times both bizarre and sordid, a jury on Thursday found John Edwards not guilty on one of six charges of campaign finance corruption. A mistrial has been declared on the other five counts.

Speaking in front of the courthouse after the verdict and mistrials were announced, … “I don’t think God’s through with me. I really believe he thinks there’s still some good things I can do,” he said.

Yup. He’s surely not done all he can. And it depends what he and his God mean by “good”.

His record so far:

Adultery. “The joys of childhood are as nothing compared to those of adultery” says the schoolboy howler. But his wife , dying of cancer, grudged him those joys, and many believe she had a case for sympathy.

Lying. He denied having the adulterous affair, and bribed an aide to lie too by claiming paternity of his mistress’s baby.

Misuse of campaign funds – unproven but strongly suspected.

A person so typical of the Left’s anointed, being vain shallow and hypocritical, cannot suddenly stop fooling some of the people all of the time.

We wait in eager anticipation to see what the pair of them – he and his God – will cook up for our entertainment next.