Another act of religion 242

However would people know how to live morally and act justly without the guidance of religion?


Some of the dead Christians killed by Muslims at Garissa University College, Kenya, on April 2, 2015


In the pre-dawn raid on the university in eastern Kenya, the attackers first shot their way in and killed people randomly. When they moved on into the dormitories, they separated the students by religion, letting Muslims go and murdering the Christians.

They used hand-grenades and automatic rifles, and finally four of them self-detonated their suicide vests.

At  least 147 people were killed and at least 80 more were wounded.

Two security guards, one policeman and one soldier were among the dead.

The organization that has proudly claimed responsibility for the massacre is al-Shebaab, the Somalian affiliate of al-Qaeda.

The “mastermind” of the raid is named as Mohammed Mohamud aka Dulyadin aka Gamadhere, a teacher at a madrassa – an Islamic school of religion. 

Note: This is only one of 25,497 deadly terrorist attacks carried out to this date by Muslims since the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon, when Muslims killed some 3,000 people in America on that one day.