Sweet humiliation 203

Whenever we have to think of Saudi Arabia, we remember how its Morality Police would not let schoolgirls escape from a burning building because they were not covered and veiled as Muhammad-aka-Allah deemed they must be. The event is symptomatic of the double hell stoked by Islam and Arab culture.

Any news that the Saudi Arabian despots are at the receiving end of a figurative punch on the nose is good news to us. Best of all would be a death blow, but a defeat for them in the lawcourts is to be resoundingly cheered by all decent persons.

To add to the good news we posted yesterday about “lawfare” successes, here’s a report about a British insurance group suing Saudi Arabia to recover damages paid out to 9/11 victims:

A U.K.-based insurance syndicate is suing the Saudi government to recover more than $215 million it paid out to victims of the 9/11 attacks.

The amount is chump change to those oil-rich despots, but their political loss of face if the verdict goes against them will be historic. We have often advocated humiliation as a suitable punishment for “honor” obsessed Muslims who commit or co-author acts of terrorism.

In a complaint filed Thursday in a Johnstown, Penn. district court, Lloyd’s Syndicate alleges that the government of Saudi Arabia provided direct operational and financial support to al-Qaida and its affiliates in the years leading up to the September 11 attacks.

“Absent the sponsorship of al Qaeda’s material sponsors and supporters, including the defendants named herein,” the suit claims, “al Qaeda would not have possessed the capacity to conceive, plan and execute the September 11 attacks.”

The complaint extensively quotes counter-terrorism officials affirming that financial resources are crucial to al-Qaida’s ability to launch attacks. It also gives specific examples linking the Saudi government to al-Qaida financing. 

Saudi-funded charities, such as the Muslim World League (MWL), World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) and the al Haramain Islamic Foundation, have allowed al-Qaida to sustain its global network, it says …

The groups, in addition to providing funding, organized recruitment of al-Qaida fighters, training camps, reconnaissance missions and weapons delivery. …

The Saudi regime was aware of Osama bin Laden’s jihadist efforts from the very beginning, it says. “More fundamentally, the jihadist worldview bin Laden was promoting was firmly grounded in Wahhabi ideology and the Western Cultural Attack narrative, as promoted by the Saudi regime itself over a period of many years.”

It is not a message the US government wants to hear. Saudi Arabia is a “valued ally” and – ahem! – oil-supplier.

Filed on behalf of Lloyd’s Syndicate by Cozen O’Connor law firm, the suit is not the first to blame the Saudi government for aiding terrorists. A federal appeals court previously dismissed the Saudi government as a defendant in a similar case, but ruled that other organizations affiliated with the Saudi government could remain defendants.

In 2009, the Supreme Court chose not to hear the case. The government said that the Saudi government’s funding of the Islamic charities was not clearly linked to terrorist groups.

This time we hope the link will be so brilliantly clear that it will hurt the eyes of those who would rather not see it.