Remembrance 35

From The Religion of Peace:

      This Day in History      

On This Day…
Mar 19, 2015: Damasak, Nigeria
Dozens of villagers are discovered with slit throats: 70 Killed
Given the recent interest in assessing historical characters by
their views on slavery, it bears mentioning that Muhammad,
the prophet of Islam, owned and traded
African slaves.
The Religion of Peace

Posted under Africa, Islam, jihad, Nigeria, Technology by Jillian Becker on Friday, March 19, 2021

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The blessings of religion never cease 89

Some of the thousands of dead and dying Christian victims of Boko Haram, the Muslim savages intending to set up an Islamic state in Nigeria.

A picture of a recent massacre from The Religion of Peace.


Posted under Africa, Islam, jihad, Muslims, Nigeria by Jillian Becker on Sunday, September 7, 2014

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