“We will never surrender” 185

Mr Churchill, Britain is now surrendering to Islam without a shot being fired! 

Here is our Facebook abstract of a report and commentary by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch:

A burger van owner has been prosecuted for refusing to serve a sausage sandwich to a customer who argued against his anti-Islamic views, so he found himself before a court for the first time in his life. Retired merchant seaman Jim Gardiner began chatting to landscape gardener Piers Palmer at the Ship’s Galley burger van he runs near the M6. When Mr Gardiner produced some anti-Islamic literature from beneath his sauce bottles, Mr Palmer refused to read it. At that point the angry burger vendor refused to make his sausage sandwich. A furious Mr Palmer reported him to the police for “hate speech” and Mr Gardiner found himself before a court for the first time in his life. Mr Palmer told the court: “He said it was the Muslims in Manchester and London who were the problem. He spoke about Muslim no-go zones in Manchester.” Palmer told him that was an urban myth. The court heard that in his police interview, Gardiner told officers: “Muslims are taking over and they hate Christians.” Asked what he would do if a Muslim came to his burger van, he replied: “I’d give them a bacon butty and laugh.” Asked if he had strong views about Muslims, he replied: “I have strong views about Islam.” Gardiner was fined £127 and ordered to pay costs and compensation of £700. That is police state behavior, with people turning in others to the authorities for ideological deviance. Piers Palmer will soon be living in the Britain he has chosen, and by then he may regret the action he took, but it will be far too late. Freedom of speech is dead in Britain. Britain is finished. 

Posted under Britain, Videos, War by Jillian Becker on Friday, July 14, 2017

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