Laugh at Hillary Clinton – it does you and America good 70

A few days ago, on December 5, we posted The vapid thinking of Hillary Clinton. She had made a pathetically silly little speech, for the fee of $300,000, to diplomats from all over the world, announcing that “empathy” with enemies was the magic formula for fixing international relations. Empathy – with savages such as ISIS and the Taliban!

Yesterday, December 7, as everybody knows, was the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. Some perhaps among our readers outside America may not know that President Roosevelt (of whom we have little good to say otherwise) properly declared it to be “A day which will live in infamy”.

We took this poster, put out yesterday by the Enemies of Liberalism, from most excellent PowerLine:


Posted under Humor, United States by Jillian Becker on Monday, December 8, 2014

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