Stumped by Trump 16

Listen to the men who would like to run the Republican Party.

One regrets not having dictatorial powers to stop Trump. Another despises his lack of “polish” and says “all he has going for him is a lot of votes”. One, however, points out that that’s because Trump “understands the climate and the culture today better than anyone at this table”. Two or three of them debate whether Trump or Hillary Clinton is the “lesser evil”, and whether holding the Party together is more important than anything else.

So “the world” doesn’t like the idea of Trump being president? No wonder. He says he’ll make Europe pay for its defense. He intends to bring China down a peg or two. He’s going to shut out jihadis. Why would they like him? Their dislike is a great commendation.

Posted under United States, Videos by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, March 15, 2016

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