Here come the health police 112

The dear leader Obama knows what is best for you, folks!

The Community Organizer that America has elected as its supreme leader is acquiring totalitarian powers to keep all Americans in the shape, physically and mentally, that he deems correct.

Terry Jeffrey writes in Townhall:

The Senate Health committee’s bill includes a section — “Creating Healthier Communities” — that authorizes paying tax dollars to so-called community-based organizations so they can monitor individual behavior patterns on the neighborhood level — and in schools — in the name of reducing “health disparities.”

They will be government-funded busybodies paid to monitor the personal behavior of a once proud and free people who surrendered an irretrievable measure of their liberty to a government-run health-care system spawned by the redistributionist vision of Barack Obama and his allies in the Congress.

Only community-based organizations that are part of a “national network of community-based organizations” will be eligible for these grants.

“In carrying out subparagraph (A),” says page 386 of the bill, “the eligible entity shall, with respect to residents in the community, measure — (i) decreases in weight; (ii) increases in proper nutrition; (iii) increases in physical activity; (iv) decreases in tobacco use prevalence; (v) other factors using community specific data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey; and (vi) other factors as determined by the Secretary.”

So, what will these government-funded, national networks of community-based organizations monitor in American neighborhoods in the interest of reducing “health disparities”?