Nations and nationism 101

Why are the parties of the Left obsessed with race and sex? Why – in other words which they would not accept – are they such racists and sexists? They will not accept that that’s what they are because to their minds the worst thing you can be is a “racist” or “sexist”. No matter who their political enemies are, or what they stand for, just be being their political enemies they deserve, and get, the worst of insults: “Racist!” “Sexist!”

The Democrats, utterly routed in the recent American elections, are seriously considering electing a Muslim anti-Semite – Congressman Keith Ellison – to the chairmanship of their Party. They seem to think that might make them more popular.

At the same time, they express outrage that Republican President-elect Donald Trump has put Steve Bannon in charge of his transition team, because, they falsely allege, he is “an anti-Semite”.

The Democrats see no contradiction between what they’re doing with Ellison and what they’re saying about Bannon. No irony.

In actuality, the Left as a whole is anti-Semitic. A majority of Jews seem not to have noticed the fact, but it is a fact all the same. The British Labour Party has become blatantly anti-Semitic. The Left isn’t troubled by this happening in its midst, because anti-Semitism has, ever since the Holocaust, been the one racism that it not only permits but has made very nearly compulsory.

So we come back to the question why. How did these self-destructive obsessions come to be the strongest orthodoxies of the Left?

To the American Left they are not just orthodoxies but axioms.

Stephen Dinan writes at the Washington Times:

As the(Democrats’] majorities in Congress slipped away and they ceded the lead in governorships over the past six years, President Obama and his top lieutenants comforted themselves with the changing demographics that they said would make it impossible for a Republican to win the top job. …

[The fact that a Republican has won it] is a major let-down for a party that, a little more than a decade ago, was basking in predictions of an emerging, long-lasting Democratic majority, based on the party’s ability to build a coalition of expanding minority populations such as black, Hispanic and gay voters, young people and women.

Now why would somebody, simply because he is black, or Hispanic, or gay, or young, or a woman (yes, he can be!), want to live under Leftist dictatorial government?

He – or she – wouldn’t necessarily want to at all, in fact. As individuals, black and gays and women – even some of the young – can think for themselves. But the intellectuals of the Left do not understand that. In their minds, your political opinions can – or should – be formed strictly according to those they expect of your race, your sex, your age, your social status. (If, for instance, you are black BUT a conservative, a Republican, an American constitutionalist, you are anomalous and treacherous, and deserve nothing but isolation, punishment, and correction.)

The Left, in its patronizing elitist way, developed the idea during the last century that its surest way to permanent dictatorial power world-wide, was by “empowering” the “wretched of the earth” – instead of the Marx-designated “proletariat” which became too darned well-off in the capitalist West – to make revolution and place them, the elitists themselves, permanently in power as their proxy dictators.

So who qualifies as the “wretched of the earth”? In the first instance, it was the peoples of the Third World, very many of them blacks and Hispanics. The sexually unconventional and (very patronizingly indeed!) women, even if they belonged to the First World, were added in later. Now also counted in are convicted criminals, terrorists of the Left, rebellious minors, hobos, and lunatics.

And who are these revolutionary hordes to rise against? Well, who remains outside of those categories? Whites. Men. The law-abiding. Heterosexuals. Mature adults. The industrious. The sane. The educated. Most people in the Western world.

As communist world-government is the ideal of the Left, the nation-state must be brought to an end. That’s why the Democratic candidate for the presidency – Whatshername – was all for “open borders”.

If a nation-state has open borders, it has no borders. If it has no borders, it is not a nation-state. A nation-state only exists if its law runs throughout a territory defined by borders.

President-elect Donald Trump wants, above all else, to preserve and strengthen the nation-state of America, as his campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again” attests. 

And so the Democrats, and all the Leftist ruling elites everywhere, are calling him  a “racist”. (As well as a “sexist”. That word stands beside “racist” as pepper stands by salt.) And if you’re a racist-and-sexist, you are also, synonymously, a bigot, xenophobe, Islamophobe, white supremacist, and even perhaps an anti-Semite in the bad meaning of that ambiguous term.

Obviously, Donald Trump is for the nation state. He is a nationalist. But “nationalist” has acquired connotations of bigotry, making it one of those synonymously wicked things to be.

“Patriot” fares little better with the social justice warriors who are intent on reforming the language.

Perhaps a new term is needed for those of us, the majority of  the citizens of the West, who are patriots. Whatever our color and derivation and sex and age, we want our country to be great. We want to use its language. We want to honor its achievements. We want to keep it safe from invaders.

Perhaps we could be called “nationists”.