The Pursuit of Happiness in the Age of Destruction (repeat) 79

A prescient post from our Pages:

There are two great sources of happiness. (I am not saying they are the only ones, just that in my estimation they are the greatest.)

One is the achievement of something important to you for which you have striven; success at what matters supremely to you, a goal of your life accomplished. That is a happiness that depends only on you, on how well and how pertinaciously you work for it. The way to it can be helped or frustrated by others, but the attained end is yours, all yours, earned and deserved. If the goal itself is worth attaining (which is to say, not evil) it assures self-esteem. And justified self-esteem is happiness.

The even greater source of happiness is, I think, to live harmoniously in the companionship of another person; a person in whom you have confidence; whose happiness matters to you, and to whom your happiness matters. Such a bond can be fruitful with the birth of children. The happiness, the sheer pleasure, that children can bring to their parents is – in my experience – unequalled by anything else.

For millions of women, the pursuit of that supreme happiness has been discouraged, by feminists, environmentalists, and community-organizing governments; which is to say by the ideologues of the Left, the changers.

Systematically through the last hundred years, the Left has ruined art, music, poetry, architecture. The ugly, the cacophanous, the unintelligible, the brutal and overwhelming are all that we are offered. The works bewilder and belittle us, and bore us too. Vast edifices ignore the eternal human desire for seclusion, tranquility and comfort in private life and for pleasantness and convenience in public places; for buildings and streets which are in proportion to our human size and are considerate of our nature.

Now science too has been corrupted by the changers. It is no longer a search for truth, but an oracular source of dogma. We must believe its doctrine that we, the human race, are a danger to the planet we live on – an accusation intended to abase and shame us. They – the changers – tell us we are too many, are harmful to other living things, to the earth and the air and the seas.

The changers insult and deplore our civilization, ultimately to destroy it.

For a while yet you may strive for personal achievement.

For a while yet you may establish a family and live in your own house.

But the circumstances are changing. Our civilization is under attack, and it is no longer strong or well defended.

They are changing everything: where you live, how you live, with whom you live; what you learn and so what you think; what you do, how you do it, and with whom; what you eat; what you wear; whom you may befriend; whether you may be cured when you are sick; how long you may live and when and how you will die.

The changers do not need to constitute or dominate an elected government. You will not be able to vote them in or out. They know they cannot be sure of winning by the ballot. So democracy will go.

The Left has become Death, the destroyer of our world.


Jillian Becker   August 16, 2017

Posted under Leftism by Jillian Becker on Sunday, October 3, 2021

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This post has 79 comments.


The pursuit of happiness in the age of destruction 9

There are two great sources of happiness. (I am not saying they are the only ones, just that in my estimation they are the greatest.)

One is the achievement of something important to you for which you have striven; success at what matters supremely to you, a goal of your life accomplished. That is a happiness that depends only on you, on how well and how pertinaciously you work for it. The way to it can be helped or frustrated by others, but the attained end is yours, all yours, earned and deserved. If the goal itself is worth attaining (which is to say, not evil) it assures self-esteem. And justified self-esteem is happiness.

The even greater source of happiness is, I think, to live harmoniously in the companionship of another person; a person in whom you have confidence; whose happiness matters to you, and to whom your happiness matters. Such a bond can be fruitful with the birth of children. The happiness, the sheer pleasure, that children can bring to their parents is – in my experience – unequalled by anything else.

For millions of women, the pursuit of that supreme happiness has been discouraged, by feminists, environmentalists, and community-organizing governments; which is to say by the ideologues of the Left, the changers.

Systematically through the last hundred years, the Left has ruined art, music, poetry, architecture. The ugly, the cacophanous, the unintelligible, the brutal and overwhelming are all that we are offered. The works bewilder and belittle us, and bore us too. Vast edifices ignore the eternal human desire for seclusion, tranquility and comfort in private life and for pleasantness and convenience in public places; for buildings and streets which are in proportion to our human size and are considerate of our nature.

Now science too has been corrupted by the changers. It is no longer a search for truth, but an oracular source of dogma. We must believe its doctrine that we, the human race, are a danger to the planet we live on – an accusation intended to abase and shame us. They – the changers – tell us we are too many, are harmful to other living things, to the earth and the air and the seas.

The changers insult and deplore our civilization, ultimately to destroy it.

For a while yet you may strive for personal achievement.

For a while yet you may establish a family and live in your own house.

But the circumstances are changing. Our civilization is under attack, and it is no longer strong or well defended.

They are changing everything: where you live, how you live, with whom you live; what you learn and so what you think; what you do, how you do it, and with whom; what you eat; what you wear; whom you may befriend; whether you may be cured when you are sick; how long you may live and when and how you will die.

The changers do not need to constitute or dominate an elected government. You will not be able to vote them in or out. They know they cannot be sure of winning by the ballot. So democracy will go.

The Left has become Death, the destroyer of our world.


Jillian Becker    August 16, 2017

Posted under Leftism by Jillian Becker on Wednesday, August 16, 2017

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This post has 9 comments.
