Vanishing witness 99

Man Promising to Have ‘Dirt’ on Hillary Mysteriously Vanishes

The story of the Clintons is getting to be like the story of the Borgias: adultery, abduction, extortion, bribery, murder …

This is from Western Journalism:

New reports have surfaced suggesting a Maltese professor, believed to be a link between the 2016 Trump presidential campaign and Russian officials, has suddenly vanished. Academic Joseph Mifsud, who investigators claim tempted Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos with a promise of “dirt” on Hillary Clinton from Russian sources, according to CNN.

Papadopoulos alleges that Mifsud “told him in April 2016 that the Russians had ‘thousands of emails’ relating to Hillary Clinton”. However, the article suggests the professor “has gone to ground” after publicly denying that he ever “spoke of secrets regarding Hillary Clinton”.

Last Thursday, Mifsud reportedly disappeared from the private university in Rome where he teaches, and hasn’t been heard from since.

“Repeated attempts to reach him since have been unsuccessful,” the report noted. “Though he appears to have read some messages from CNN.”

Mifsud — also identified as “Foreign Contact 1” — was cited in court filings as “the professor” just last week, and was associated with the charges brought against Papadopoulos.

Since Mifsud was identified, details have emerged regarding his “sketchy” dealings, which include false and exaggerated claims about his own status and connections, and warnings from an associate “about the danger of being played by the Russians” …

An associate of Mifsud’s claimed that he repeatedly boasted about Moscow’s possession of “compromising material” on the Clinton campaign in spring 2016, contradicting his contention that he never talked about Russian “dirt” regarding Clinton.

According to U.S. officials and independent analysts, that was the same time that Russian agencies or proxies were reviewing emails stolen from the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Mifsud’s associate also revealed that Mifsud had been interviewed by the FBI during a visit to the United States in February.

The account was corroborated by Mifsud in an interview last week with Italian newspaper La Repubblica, in which he referred to a discussion held with the FBI.

During the interview with the newspaper, Mifsud refuted the claim regarding the Clinton emails that Papadopoulos made in the affidavit.

“I absolutely exclude the fact that I spoke of secrets regarding Hillary Clinton,” Mifsud said.

“Exclude”? ‘The fact”?

Those were the last words Mifsud spoke in public about the subject. …

CNN comments:

“Mifsud’s history of exaggerations, and his enthusiasm to be seen as an important player in demand at conferences the world over, may now be coming back to haunt him.”

We cannot vouch for this story being true. The source, CNN, is far from reliable. But then, none of the many Clinton scandals has been proved true.

They are, however, always shockingly entertaining.

Posted under corruption, Crime, United States by Jillian Becker on Saturday, November 11, 2017

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