Sorry, but this is about Hillary Clinton 70

Hillary Clinton has an uninteresting mind, to judge by what she expresses in her public utterances and how she expresses it. She also has a disreputable past, and she is manifestly dishonest and  incompetent. The Benghazi disaster alone  supplies enough evidence of that. If she is elected to the presidency, it will be for no better reason that that she is a woman: a sexist reason. Disaster would follow for the nation and the world if someone so unsuitable and unqualified were to head the executive branch of government – as it has followed the election of Barack Obama. He too is unsuitable and unqualified for the office, and the only reason he was elected to the presidency was, for many millions of voters, his ethnicity: a racist reason.

About Hillary Clinton, Bryan Preston writes at PJ Tatler:

Not only is Hillary Clinton not an inspiring candidate, with no compelling backstory to fuel her run. Not only is Hillary Clinton a lousy stump speaker whose cadence and style careen between the wooden and the clownish. Not only did she prove to be a terrible campaign manager in 2007-08, elevating incompetent loyalists to positions of power when seasoned professionals were needed. Not only is Hillary Clinton all of that. … She’s a lousy, blundering oaf when it comes to policy.

Hillary Clinton’s political career is filled with major, damaging mistakes.

The most current example of Hillary’s follies is Boko Haram. That terrorist group is currently holding about 220 girls hostage in Nigeria, and is almost surely doing unspeakable things to its captives. This morning broke with news that the Islamic terrorists are planning to use the girls as bargaining chips to get hundreds of its own jihadists released from prisons in Nigeria and probably elsewhere. Islamist groups across the world have been angling for a way to get the blind sheikh, the Santa-hatted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center terrorist attack, released from prison in the United States. In fact, getting him released motivated the attacks on September 11, 2012, including the one in Benghazi, Libya, that Hillary Clinton later blamed on a YouTube movie.

That’s a theory we hadn’t thought of. It may be true.

It would not be a shock at all if Boko Haram demands the blind sheikh’s release in exchange for letting one or more of the captive girls go. If that happens, what do the #BringBackOurGirls brigades do?

Hillary Clinton’s role in all this?

Well, first, she appears to have started the sad-faced hashtag campaign that raised awareness of the girls’ plight but has in fact done frack all to actually win their freedom. What the tweet campaign did do, probably, is alert Boko Haram enough to split the captives up and make it all but impossible for any special forces to go get them without risking a bloodbath.

Worse than that, though, Hillary Clinton had the chance to help nip the Boko Haram problem in the bud to some extent. When Hillary reigned as secretary of State, she had the chance to label Boko Haram a terrorist group. Law enforcement including the FBI even pleaded with her to do that. She refused.

Slapping the terrorist group label on Boko Haram would not have destroyed them, of course. It takes drones and bombs and the occasional boots on the ground to do that. But it would have harmed the group’s ability to collect funds from sources in the United States and around the world. It would have empowered Interpol and other law enforcement agencies to pick up members of the group traveling internationally. It would have cut off some of their funds traipsing around the Islamist funding networks. It would have made it easier to go after them, and it would have made it harder for them to operate. Plus, it would have sent a strong signal that Boko Haram are personas non grata.

Hillary refused. Boko Haram kept on going, kept on killing, and is now subjected to a withering barrage of frowns and tweets.

But what difference will all that make (to recall a famous shout of Hillary Clinton’s at a Congressional hearing) to an ill-informed, sentimental, left-leaning electorate?

Here’s a video, from PJ Media via Hot Air, about Hillary’s “accomplishments”. It should never be lost as long as there are beings in the world who enjoy laughing. 

Posted under Islam, jihad, Libya, Muslims, United States by Jillian Becker on Monday, May 19, 2014

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