A new industry is born: fruits of the womb 163

A fourth video proving that Planned Parenthood sells parts of babies is now circulating.

This latest one reveals that the trafficking in parts includes those of children actually born whole and alive.

What we’d like to know is: do the mothers get a share of the proceeds? There has been no indication that they do, but shouldn’t they?

Is a fetus the property of the mother or isn’t it?

So far it is being treated as the exclusive property of the abortionist. That doesn’t seem right to us.

If it is okay to sell fetuses and babies, whether whole or in parts, then women could establish a whole new industry.

Just think of it. Make money at your ease, ladies. All in the comfort of your own homes. And with very little labor – except perhaps at the very end of the process, if the goods ordered need to be whole and alive.

Form a union or professional association to set and control prices.

A new kind of monopoly! Women only. All over the world. No limitation by national borders. No travel. Get on with other things while your valuable crop grows inside you.

Conceive in pleasure, sell at leisure.

You can decide when to abort, or whether to go to term, depending on whether you want high turnover or one large payment once a year.

Why should you conceive children that will cost you a fortune to raise and educate when you can instead conceive them to make your fortune?

Pregnant women of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your virginity – and your mothering instinct (and who cares about that?). True, you will go through horrible mood-swings as your hormones adjust radically to one condition and then another, but medical science will soon find a way to take care of that if it hasn’t already.

But don’t forget your personal income from selling the fruits of your womb will be taxed. Which is why you will probably find that the state has nothing against the business and is even likely to encourage it.

Of course, it won’t be long before fathers will start demanding a share of the revenues. Be prepared: a big argument is looming up there.

And don’t imagine that your monopoly will last for long. The science already exists for children – and even grown ups – to be grown in laboratories. Remember Dolly the sheep?

Come to think of it,  she was grown from a cell from a mammary gland. Now you won’t be needing your breasts to feed infants, so why not sell them? Yet another source of income entirely in you own control, with no expenditure and no overheads.

Well yes, new laws will soon be needed to make it clear just who has what property rights in human eggs, sperm, cells, fetuses, children …

And international agreements will probably need to be negotiated. But that’s all in the future.

Meanwhile, ladies and pubescent girls, F*** for Fun and Fortune!

O brave new world, that has such people in it!