Something to celebrate? 263

“Egypt has 82 million people; Iran has 78 million people. Turkey has 79 million people. Total: By the end of this year, almost 240 million people in those three countries alone will live under Islamist or radical anti-American regimes allied to them. Adding in the Gaza Strip, those under Hizballah control in Lebanon, and Syria brings the total to about 250 million. One-quarter of a billion people are going to be in the enemy camp.”

Barry Rubin captions this picture:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gives a “high-five” to Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmed Davutoğlu on June 9. Davutoğlu authored a Turkish foreign policy designed to align an Islamist Turkey with the Islamic world and turn against America and the West… So here’s the key figure in aligning Turkey as an ally of Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Hizballah, yet that’s no problem for Clinton, laughing it up with one of America’s most dangerous  enemies.

Rubin writes further:

On Sunday, June 12, Turkey will hold what might well be its most important elections in modern history. It may also be the worst thing that’s happened to the country in modern history. If the current regime is reelected … the emboldened Islamist regime will hit the accelerator in transforming Turkey into as much of an Islamist state as possible.

That development will spell the end of a U.S.-Turkish alliance that has endured 55 years. Turkey, arguably the Muslim-majority country with the most advanced infrastructure and greatest military capability in the world, will be in the enemy camp.

Already, the Turkey-Israel alliance is long over and will not return under this regime in Ankara. The Turkish government supports Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Hizballah. The regime officially sponsors antisemitic hatred. … Nothing like it has been seen in Turkey during all of the centuries since the Turks arrived in Anatolia. …

If the regime gets a big enough majority it will rewrite the Turkish constitution. Turkey, as we have known it, a secular democratic state since the 1920s, will no longer exist. … The courts, the armed forces, and other institutions will be taken over by this Islamist government. It will be a disaster for Western interests. …

Meanwhile, the West snores on. Western media coverage of the Turkish regime is glowing. Yet if one actually looks at what’s happening in the country, reading the Turkish-language media and talking to the many Turks horrified by these developments, the picture is horrifying. …

Scores of journalists have been arrested and thrown into jail. One-third of the media has been bought up by the regime; much of the rest intimidated. Military officers, college professors, union leaders, activists, and peaceful critics of every description are thrown into jail on trumped up charges and kept there for months, years. The waiting time for a trial during which people are jailed is now three years. … Hundreds of people imprisoned have not even been accused of any specific act. … People feel that they are watched, wire-tapped, and spied on. … This atmosphere is closer to that of a country under Communism than the Turkey they have known all their lives. …

The campaign of anti-Americanism is in the open. The daily preaching of hatred against Jews and Israel is in the open. The tightening links with Islamist movements and regimes is in the open.

As we know from leaks, the U.S. embassy in Turkey has reported many of the kinds of arguments and analysis I’m making. Yet the White House and the president are blind….

Perception of this revolutionary Islamist threat by Obama White House: Close to zero.

Actions taken by the Obama White House to counter it: Zero.

Principal enemy according to White House: Al-Qaida, which rules no population.

Main problem in the Middle East according to White House: Israel’s presence on part of the West Bank …

Egypt has 82 million people; Iran has 78 million people. Turkey has 79 million people. Total: By the end of this year, almost 240 million people in those three countries alone will live under Islamist or radical anti-American regimes allied to them. Adding in the Gaza Strip, those under Hizballah control in Lebanon, and Syria brings the total to about 250 million. One-quarter of a billion people are going to be—many of them involuntarily–in the enemy camp. …

The loss of Turkey … would be a tragedy of tremendous proportions to the West …

The failure to see what’s happening is shameful. In policy and analytical terms, it is the equivalent of criminal.

But is it blindness on the part of the Obama administration? Isn’t it possible that Hillary Clinton’s obvious delight in the picture expresses the true feelings of the government she serves?